
Yours is the loftiest pen, which, were you but to unsheathe it,

لك القلم الأعلى الذي إن سللته

1. Yours is the loftiest pen, which, were you but to unsheathe it,
The blades of India would dread its overwhelming might.

١. لكَ القَلم الأَعلَى الّذي إن سلَلْتَهُ
تخافُ سيوف الهندِ سطوة باسِهِ

2. It exalts you to walk with it at your side,
Yet it walks atop the head of Amm Rassih.

٢. يُجلَّك أنْ يمشي لديكَ برجلِهِ
ولكنَّه يمشي عَلى أمِّ رأسِهِ