1. You resolved with auspiciousness to protect the territory of Yemen
And you went forth, with the stars in your favor, in this age
١. عزمتَ باليُمنِ تحمي حوزة اليَمَنِ
وسرتَ والطالعَ المسعود في قرنِ
2. No one remained in fortunate Yemen with any evil
Among the chiefs except the one with the grey beard
٢. لم يبقَ في اليمن الميمون ذو أشرٍ
من الفراعين إلاّ خرّ للذّقنِ
3. And the tongues of the days began singing
These noble deeds not lies from any breast
٣. وأصبحتْ ألسنُ الأيام منشدةٌ
هذي المكارمُ لا قعبان من لبن
4. So rule as you wish in the lands in full effect
For you are the commander in Syria and in Yemen
٤. فاحكم بما شئتَ في الأرضين نافذةً
لك الأوامرُ في شام وفي يمنِ
5. Indeed authority has cast off its trappings
None would satisfy it as successor among the family of Hasan
٥. إنّ الولايةَ قد ألقت مقالدها
لم ترض غيرك كفواً من بني الحسنِ
6. You held it back and refused it, honoring the tie
While it longed for you like the eye longs for kohl
٦. تصدّ عنها وتأبَى وصلَها شرفاً
وشوقها لكَ شوق العين لِلْوسنِ
7. Authority is no matter to be weighed therewith
For you are its adornment, nay, the adornment of the age
٧. وما الولاية من أمرٍ تُزان بهِ
فأنت زينتُها بل زينة الزّمنِ
8. Did the High One know, when you were given their lands
That they were led to the flowing stream after the brackish spring?
٨. هَلْ كان يدري الأُلى وُلِّيتَ أرضهمُ
بأنّهم قد سُقوا بالعارضِ الهتن
9. God gave a kingdom to the family of Hasan
The like of which in bygone days did not exist
٩. ولأهم اللهُ مَلْكاً من بني حسنٍ
نظيره في قديم الدَّهر لم يكنِ
10. Where are the ancient legends that were written
In days of yore about Sayf ibn Dhi Yazan
١٠. ما حِي قديم الأساطير التي رُقمتْ
في سالِف الدهر عن سيف بن ذي يزن
11. And he who built below the kingdoms of the world in nobility
A structure of glory upon the brow of al-Sammak
١١. والمبتْنَي دونَ أملاك الورى شرفاً
بناءَ عزّ على هامِ السّماك بُني
12. And the one who staked his honor on wealth and spent it
While many staked their honor on words and did not guard it
١٢. والصَّائِن العرض بالأموالِ يبذلها
ورُبّ عرضٍ عن الأقوال لم يُصَنِ
13. And the one firm of spirit amidst the plunging steeds, whom
No valiant man encountered except that he was in his shroud
١٣. والثّابت الجأش في حُمر الهياج فما
يلقاهُ ذو البأسِ إلاّ وهو في الكفنِ
14. The one whose ears were hurt by the refined manners of literature
More than by the twanging of a string however valuable
١٤. من شنّفتْ أذُنُ الآدابِ فكرتُه
من القريض بدرٍّ جلّ عن ثمنِ
15. A king lofty above the pretense of kings, his loftiness
Exceeded the grasp of any fanged orator
١٥. مَلكٌ عَلاَ عن مداناة الملوك لَهُ
وفات حصر علاه كل ذي لسنِ
16. If he were compared to the kings of all the earth
He would distinguish between butter and poison
١٦. مَنْ قاسَه بملوك الأرض قاطبةٌ
فليس يفرقُ بين الورْمِ والسِّمن
17. The Indian sword exerts its sway
If it appeared to turn the ages it would not fail
١٧. تَستَخدمُ الصارمُ الهندي سطوتُه
فلو تَبدت لِصَرف الدهرِ لم يَخُنِ
18. If his resolve appeared to the Abbasids
It would terrify every Ma'mun and trustee
١٨. ولو بَدتْ لبني العبّاس عزمتُهُ
لروّعتْ كلَّ مأمونٍ ومؤتمنِ
19. You made a blessed deal when its contractor
Was the Most High, beyond the deal of loss
١٩. أنعم بها صفقةٌ مذ كان عاقدها
كفُّ العُلَى بعدتْ عن صفقةِ الغبن
20. It gratifies the servant that justice flows from you
According to what you have instituted of religious duties and norms
٢٠. يهنا العدينُ شمولُ العدلِ منك بما
أقمتَهُ من فروضِ الدينِ والسُّننِ
21. Guidance was lost on earth since you were in it
Like a crown is to a head, nay like the soul to the body
٢١. تاهَتْ على الأرض طُرَّاً مُنذ كنتَ بها
كالتّاج للرأس بل كالروحِ للبدنِ
22. Say little, O king of the world, if you boast
Over the misguided one or the arrogant one of Aden
٢٢. يقلّ يا مَلك الدنيا إذا افتخرتْ
على المخا بك أوتاهَتْ على عَدن
23. Let them thank God since He appointed you over their lands
It is a blessing from the greatest of favors
٢٣. فَلْيشكروا اللهَ إذ ولاّكَ أرضَهمُ
فإنّها مِنّةٌ من أعظم المِننِ
24. And it behooves them to thank a Lord who made available to them
From your sweet palm after the brackish spring
٢٤. وحُقّ أن يشكروا ربّاً أتاح لَهُمْ
من كفّك العذبَ بعد المورد الأسنِ
25. God chose you as king in His dominion
Only to extinguish therein the embers of civil strife
٢٥. مَا اختْاركَ الله مَلْكاً في بسيطتِهِ
إلاّ لتُخْمِدَ فيها جَمْرةَ الفتنِ
26. For whom you humiliated of the sons of Basra
Will never again be honored, and whom you honored will never be disgraced
٢٦. فَمَنْ أهنتَ مِنَ ابْناءِ البَسيطةِ لَمْ
يَعزّ قطٌ ومن أعززتَ لم يَهُن
27. So the like of your effort - may it be praised - gained you nobility
And the like of your rule - after God - so shall it be
٢٧. فمثل سعيك فليُحمدْ لكسْبِ عُلىً
ومثل مُلْكك بعد الله فَلْيكُن