
My father, may he live long, opposed Al-Mustafa

أغير أبي السبط للمصطفى

1. My father, may he live long, opposed Al-Mustafa
He answered and turned to him when he called

١. أغيرِ أَبي السبِّطِ لِلْمصْطَفى
أجابَ ولَبَّاه لمَّا دَعَا

2. And prayed while they were all polytheists
And paid zakat bowing in prayer

٢. وَصَلَّى وكلّهمُ مشركٌ
وزكَّى بخَاتِمِه راكِعا

3. And he was already second to Al-Mustafa
So why did they make him fourth?

٣. وقَدْ كان لِلْمصطفى ثانياً
فَلِمْ جعلوهُ لَهُمْ أربعا

4. Why didn't you both return to the mention
The morning after the conflict and not panic

٤. علامَ إلى الذّكرِ لم تَرْجعَا
غَدَاةَ الخِلاف ولم تَفْزَعا

5. As if you both didn't hear the hadith of Ghadir
And the allegiance to the Guardianship

٥. كأنكما لِحَّديثِ الغَديرِ
وعَقْد الولاَيةِ لم تَسْمَعا

6. You wronged the Prophet of guidance his reward
And killed his family altogether

٦. ظلَمْتُمْ نبيِّ الهدى أجرَهُ
وقتَلتُمُ أَهْلَه أجْمَعَا

7. He shepherded you and did not fail in guiding you
So why didn't you tend to him what he tended?

٧. رعاكُمْ ولَم يأْلُ في هَدْيكمْ
فَهَلاً رعَيْتُمْ له ما رَعَى

8. How did his right among you become lost
And his greatest not attained scattered?

٨. وكيفَ غدَا حقّه فيكم
ولَم تَبْلُ أعْظمُهُ ضَائِعا

9. You tended pulpits that you did not approve
Other than Haydar opposing you

٩. فَرعتُم مَنابرَ لم تَرْتضي
سِوى حَيْدَرٍ منكمُ قارعا

10. So alas for the stumbling from you
I say when it is mentioned no no

١٠. فآهٍ لَها عثرةً مِنكمُ
أقولُ إذا ذُكِرَتْ لا لَعا

11. So may Allah not have mercy on whoever
Severed ties with the best of man's kin

١١. فلا رَحمَ الله من قد غدا
لأرحامِ خيرِ الوَرى قَاطِعَا