
Why must I suffer in my homeland,

ما لي وللافتقار في بلدي

1. Why must I suffer in my homeland,
Sighing for my wretched life?

١. ما لي ولِلاْفتقار في بَلَدي
أُفٍّ لِدهرِي وعيشيَ النَكِدِ

2. Debts have overburdened me,
My heart is gripped with toil and grief.

٢. قَدْ ركبتنيَ الديونُ واشْتملَتْ
عَلَى فؤادي بالهَمِّ والكمدِ

3. Once my chest had ample space,
Now it's tight, my means depleted.

٣. وكان صَدْري من قبل ذَا سِعةٍ
فَضَاقَ صَدري لِضيقِ ذَاتِ يدي

4. "Be gentle," they advised, "negotiate."
I've scant endurance, nerve defeated.

٤. قَالوا تَلَطّفْ واحْتَلْ فقلتُ لهمْ
قَلَّ اصْطِباري وخانني جَلَدي

5. No good mere fox holes can provide,
Wealth from me the lions did snatch.

٥. وليس يُغْني شَيئاً دَهَا ثُعَلٍ
والمالُ مِنّي في جَبْهةٍ الأسدِ

6. Yet still in the One God I confide,
His mercy for all does match.

٦. وبعد ذَا كلَّه فَلي ثقَةٌ
وحُسنُ ظنٍّ بالواحدِ الصَّمدِ

7. For people universally,
He cares more than dad for a lad.

٧. فَهو الَّذي بالأنَامِ قاطِبةً
أَشْفقُ مِن والدٍ على ولَدٍ