
Alas my long sorrow tomorrow and my regret,

وا طول حزني في غد وتحسري

1. Alas my long sorrow tomorrow and my regret,
And my disgrace on the Day of Resurrection if You do not conceal me.

١. وا طول حُزني في غدٍ وتَحسّري
وفَضِيحتي في الحشر إن لم تَسْتُر

2. Alas my confusion if my peers succeed tomorrow,
And I stand alone, standing confused and perplexed.

٢. وا حيْرتي إن فاز أقْراني غَداً
وَوَقَفتُ وَحْدي وقفَة المتحيرِّ

3. Alas my adversity if my family abandon me perplexed there,
And hand me over to my comrades.

٣. وا سَوأتي ن أَفْردَتْنِي حائراً
أَهْلي وأسْلمني هنالك مَعْشري

4. Alas the anxiety of my soul when the clothes of my coverings
Are removed tomorrow, exposing my evil deeds.

٤. وا لهف نفسي حينَ تكشَفُ في غدٍ
عن سُوء أعمالي ثيابُ تَسَتُّري

5. I wish that when my record is spread,
I would be spread (forgiven) and it would not be spread (exposed).

٥. وَوَدِدْتُ فيهِ عندَ نَشْرِ صحيفتي
أنّي نُشِرْتُ وأنّها لَمْ تُنْشرِ

6. O soul, how long will this inclination toward passion continue?
You have long acquired sins, so refrain.

٦. يا نفسُ كم هذا النّزوعُ إلى الهوى
طالَ اكتسابُكِ للذِّنوبِ فأقصرِي

7. O eye, woe to you! My peers have settled
In the graves, so be admonished by them and learn a lesson.

٧. يا عينُ ويحكِ إنَّ أقراني ثوَوْا
في الرَّمِس فَاعْتَبري بهِمْ واسْتَعبري

8. These were their abodes, empty after them,
So ask the ruins about them and inquire.

٨. هذي ديارهُم بَلاَقع بعدَهُمْ
فَسَلِي البَلاقعَ عَنْهمُ واسْتخبري

9. And let the tears flow in sorrow and yearning,
And purify yourself by its waters and cleanse yourself.

٩. واذْري المدامعَ حسرةً وتلهُّفاً
وتغسّلي بمياهِهَا وتطهّري

10. The righteous men succeeded with their precedence,
And I joined them afterwards with the succession of a laggard.

١٠. فازَ الرِّجالُ الصَّالحون بِسَبْقهِم
ولحقْتُ بعدهمُ لحوقَ مُقصِّرِ

11. Why did I neglect the place of return and its affair,
And feel secure from the horror of the Day of Gathering?

١١. ما لي غَفلتُ عَنِ المعادِ وشانِه
وأمنتُ هولَ نقاشِ يومِ المحشرِا

12. Why did I devote myself to sins and acquiring them,
And feel safe from their consequences, feeling fully secure?

١٢. ما لي عَكَفتُ علَى الذّنوب وكَسْبها
وأمِنْتُ مِن تَبعاتها أمْنَ البري

13. I wasted the branch of frivolity in the meadow of passion
With the hand of idleness; would that I had not wasted!

١٣. وهَصَرتُ غُصْنَ اللَّهوِ في روضِ الهوى
بيدِ البطالَةِ لَيْتَني لم أَهْصِرِ

14. I flowed freely in the plains of youth,
And walked in them with the gait of an arrogant.

١٤. وجَرَيتُ طَلْقاً في مَيادِينِ الصّبا
ومَشيتُ فيها مشية المسْتكبرِ

15. O you who addresses the life of this world, beware, for it
is a land whose exterior and interior are desolate.

١٥. يا خاطبَ الدّنيا حذار فإنها
بادٍ بَشاشتُها وباطنها وري

16. Its decorations robbed you, and sometimes
It removed a mask, exposing something horribly ugly.

١٦. سَلَبتْ زخارفُها نُهاكَ ورُبَّما
كشفَتْ قناعاً عن شنيع المخْبَرِ

17. You wasted your life constructing it, and had you known
The reality of its affair, you would not have constructed.

١٧. وأضَعْتَ عمرَكَ في عمارتِها ولَوْ
تَدري حَقيقة أَمْرِها لم تَعْمرِ

18. The liar of wishes deceived you, so you obeyed it.
Had you had any sense, you would not have been deceived.

١٨. غَرَتْكَ كاذِبةُ المُنى فأَطْعتَها
لَوْ كُنتَ ذَا عَقلٍ بها لَمْ تُغْرِ