1. You reside in my coming and going
In the covenant of love and amity
١. مقيمٌ في اقْترابي وابْتعادي
على عَهْدِ المحبّةِ والوِدادِ
2. Your image does not depart from the shackles of my thoughts
And your love does not depart from my heart
٢. خيالكَ ليسَ يَبُرحُ قيدَ فِكري
وحُبّك ليسَ ينزحُ عن فؤادي
3. You were created for my misery and prolonged longing
According to my choice and criticism
٣. خُلِقْتَ لِشقوتي ولِطُولِ حَيْني
على شَرْطِ اختْياري وانْتِقادي
4. Were it not for the magic of your eyes, you would not have found me
And your right to passion is easy to lead
٤. ولولاَ سحرُ عينِكَ لم تجدْني
وحقِّك في الهوى سَلْسَ القيادِ
5. So increase my paucity and rejection as much as you can
For tomorrow our judge is the Lord of all people
٥. فَزِدْني ما استطعتَ قِلىً وصَدّاً
فحاكمُنا غداً ربُّ العِبادِ
6. Passion may blind my sight so I invoke
Upon you without intention or reliance
٦. وقد يُعمي الهوى بَصَري فأَدْعو
عليكَ بغيرِ قصدٍ واعتمادٍ
7. Were it not that idle talk brings us down
And the slandering tongues massacre us
٧. ولَولاَ أَنْ تَنُمَّ بِنا اللّواحي
وتَسْلقُنا بأَلْسِنةٍ حدادِ
8. I would have shown you patience in diminution
With which I was afflicted and passion in increase
٨. لكنتُ أريك صَبراً في انْتقاصٍ
بُليتُ بهِ ووجداً في ازْديادِ
9. A heart that does not soften for you and sympathize
While enemies have softened for you
٩. وقَلباً لا ترقّ لَهُ وترثي
وقدْ رقّتْ لَهُ فيكَ الأعادي
10. A critic far from your love who has prolonged my blame
And without hearing it, the rattling of the sandals
١٠. وخالٍ عَن هواك أَطالَ لَوْمي
ودُونَ سَماعِهِ خرطُ القتادِ
11. So I said to him, gently, do not blame me
For your blame holds no merit in my belief
١١. فقُلتُ له رويدَك لا تَلُمني
فَلومُكَ غيرُ مجدٍ في اعتقادي
12. Is your heart captive or is it mine?
Is your sleep lost or is it mine?
١٢. أمأسُورٌ فؤادُكَ أَمْ فؤادي
ومَسْلُوبٌ رُقادُكَ أَمْ رُقادي