
With love of the Prophet and love of the Virgin

بحب الرسول وحب البتول

1. With love of the Prophet and love of the Virgin
And their two grandsons and Ali, the content

١. بِحُبّ الرَّسول وحُبِّ البتولِ
وسِبْطَيهما وعَليّ الرِضَى

2. And Zayd, the Imam of the Prophet's progeny
And their sword, the fulfiller of desires

٢. وزَيدٍ إمامِ بني المصطفى
وسيفهِمُ القاطعِ المنتضَى

3. And the Prophet's family, the best of creation
Happy with the path of the Chosen

٣. وعُترةِ خيرِ الورى من قضَى
سعيداً على مَنهج المرْتَضَى

4. And the Prophet's family, the best of creation
Happy with the path of the Chosen

٤. وعُترةِ خيرِ الورى من قضَى
سعيداً على مَنهج المرْتَضَى

5. My attire on Judgement Day
Will be robes of pleasure in the Abode of Bliss

٥. يكونُ لِبَاسيَ يوم القَضا
بدار النّعيم ثيابُ الرّضا

6. My God, through them, treat me with pardon
A prisoner whose vast space has narrowed

٦. إلاهي بهمْ جُدْ بعَفْوٍ عَلَى
أَسِيرٍ بهِ ضَاقَ رحبُ الفَضَا

7. Lessen my stumbling and forgive my lapse
And say to me "God has forgiven what has passed"

٧. أقِلْ عَثرتي واغتفِرْ زَلّتي
وقُلْ لي عَفَا الله عَمّا مَضى