1. We obeyed your love when it called us,
And disobeyed the blamers when they forbade us.
١. قد أجبنا هواك لمّا دعانا
وعَصينا العذولَ حين نَهانا
2. We brought from the sea of your love a blossom,
Pure, above which the buds have withered.
٢. ووَردنا مِن بحر حبك وَرداً
صافياً دونه الكماةُ تَفانَى
3. We sacrificed our souls, then never shirked,
Striking without cease, and thrusting with spears.
٣. وبذلْنا النّفوسَ ثَمَّ ولم
نَنْكلْ ضراباً من دُونِه وطِعانا
4. We favored the taste of death in your cause,
As if death in it brings life.
٤. واستَطَبْنا طَعمَ المنون عَلى
ذاك كأنَّ المنونَ فيه مُنانا
5. How often for your sake, did we smash boldly,
Sometimes with sword, another time with spear!
٥. كم حَطَمنا على رُباك جهاراً
تَارةً صارماً وطوراً سِنانا
6. We attained your sanctuary, and attained it,
An ascent leaving the valiant craven.
٦. وَوَصَلْنا إلى حماكِ وصُلْنا
صَوْلةٌ تتركُ الشجاعَ جبانا
7. We saw harsh matters becoming smooth,
How many a rugged place seems gentle to lovers!
٧. ورأينا صَعْبَ الأُمورِ ذلولاً
ربّ صَعبٍ على المحبّين هانا
8. O my era of ruins and praying place,
In the valley of Al-Naqa you were watered for an age.
٨. يا زماني بحاجرٍ والمصلىّ
وبوادي النَّقا سُقيتَ زمانا
9. How long we populated those hills with hopes,
When we took surety from the nights for a time.
٩. كم عَمَرْنا تلكَ الرُّبَى بِالأَماني
إذ أخذْنا مِن اللّيالي أَمَانا
10. We rose up at once and never flagged,
No procrastinator ever attained his wish.
١٠. ونهضْنا بلا توانٍ وما
فاز بإدراكِ سُؤلِه مَنْ توانى
11. We dragged behind us tails of joy,
And trailed from bliss overlong trains.
١١. وجَرَرْنا من السّرورِ ذيولاً
وسَحَبْنا من الهَنَا أردانا
12. In meadows that mimicked the clouds,
Weaving from its blossoms manifold hues.
١٢. في رياضٍ قَد حاكتِ السّحب فيها
مِن مَناديلِ زَهْرها أَلْوانا
13. We approved of no meadow afterwards,
Neither its dwellers nor dwellings again.
١٣. ما رَضيْنَا مِن بَعْدهنّ ربوعاً
لا ولا بعد أهلِها سكانا
14. O sweet hours in the valley of Al-Shaab
Whose showers of bounty gave life meaning!
١٤. يا حلولاً بالسَّفحِ من شعب
نَعمان سقى صَيبُ الحيا نعمانا
15. We never ceased remembering the friendly campfire;
Does its memory, think you, ever recall us?
١٥. لم نَزَلْ ذاكري العُودَ
فَهل تخطر بالبَالِ مِنكُم ذِكرانا