
You wasted your life trying to improve your state,

أضعت العمر في إصلاح حالك

1. You wasted your life trying to improve your state,
Yet never thought, alas, about your final fate.

١. أضعتَ العُمرَ في إصلاح حالِكْ
ومَا فكّرتَ وَيْحَكَ في مآلِكْ

2. I see you felt secure from the nights' events,
Though they conspired against you for your punishment.

٢. أراكَ أَمِنتَ أحداثَ اللَّيالي
وقَدْ صَمدتْ لِغَدرِكَ واغتيالِكْ

3. You were infatuated with the world's vanities,
Yet it approaches now to fight against you.

٣. ومِلْتَ لِزخْرفِ الدّنيا غروراً
وقد جاءتْ تسيرُ إلى قِتالك

4. How often a heart hoped with dreams,
Bearing more than it could withstand.

٤. وكَمْ أتعتبَ بالآمال قلباً
تَحَمِّلَ ما يزيدُ على احْتِمالِكْ

5. What you wished for was not
Faster than your demise and departure.

٥. ولَمْ يكُنِ الذي أمَّلْتَ فيها
بأسْرعَ من زوالِكَ وانتقالِكْ

6. So live frugally and work
For a day when you will be distraught over your family.

٦. فَعِش فيها خَمِيصَ البَطْنِ واعْمَلْ
لِيَومٍ فيه تَذْهَلُ عَنْ عيالِكْ

7. You will come to it humiliated and subdued,
Not knowing whether from your right or your left.

٧. تجيءُ غليه مُنقاداً ذليلاً
ولا تدري يمنَك مِن شِمالِكْ

8. In your youth, you were ignorantly infatuated with it,
So why not become disinterested with aging?

٨. إليها في شبابِك مِلْت جَهْلاً
فَهَلاّ مِلْتَ عَنها في اكْتهالِكْ

9. Wait, for it is insignificant to God
And lighter than dust on your shoes.

٩. فَمَهْلاً فهيَ عند اللهِ أَدْنَى
وأهْونُ مِن ترابٍ في نعالِكْ

10. If it comes to you asking for marriage, turn away
And say, wait, for I am not one of your men.

١٠. وإِنْ جاءَتْكَ خاطبةً فأعرِضْ
وقُلْ مَهْلاً فما أنا مِنْ رجالِكْ

11. You adorned yourself to deceive me,
Yet I saw nothing uglier than your beauty.

١١. إليَّ تَزَيّنينَ لِتَخْدَعيني
فما أَبْصَرتُ أقبحَ مِنْ جمالِكْ

12. If only you were a shade in the hot sun,
Then I would have never stopped seeking your shade.

١٢. أما لَوْ كُنتِ في الرِّمضاءِ ظِلاًّ
إذاً مَا مِلتُ قطّ إلى ظِلالِكْ

13. Keep your estrangement as long as you wish, for I am content
With a lifetime of separation from your company.

١٣. صِليْ ما شئِتِ هُجراني فإنّي
رَضيتُ الدَّهرَ هَجْراً مِنْ وصالِكْ

14. Nobility is not in loosely shooting arrows
That one day aim haphazardly with your bow.

١٤. فليسَ النّبل من ثُعَلِ إذا ما
رمَتْ يَوماً بأصمَى مِنْ نبالِك

15. Your unlawful acts bring punishment upon the people
And you will be held accountable for your lawful acts.

١٥. حرامُكِ لِلْورى فيهِ عِقابٌ
عليهِ والحِسابُ على حَلالِكْ

16. The fading of those before you indicates
That you too will inevitably fade.

١٦. فَمَنْ قد كَان قبلكَ مِن بَنيها
زَوالْهُمُ يَدُلُّ عَلى زَوالِكْ

17. How many kingdoms and buildings they erected,
Yet where are their buildings and kingdoms now?

١٧. وكَمْ شادوا الممالِكَ والمباني
فأينَ ترى المباني والممَالِكْ

18. When you are reasonable about your departure,
Prepare provisions for your journey.

١٨. وأنتَ إذا عَقَلْتَ عَلَى ارْتحالِ
فَخُذْ في جمعِ زادِكَ لارْتحالِكْ

19. Leave the ways of misguidance sought by its people,
For the ways of truth are clear paths.

١٩. ودَعْ طُرقَ الضَّلالِ لِمُبْتَغيها
فطرقُ الحقَّ بَينة المسالِكْ

20. Why this obstinacy and straying in your confusion?
How long will this self-deception persist?

٢٠. إلامَ وفيمَ ويُحكَ ذا التَّصابي
وكَمْ هذا التغابي في ضلالِكْ

21. Wake up! Your life is over,
So count and evaluate yourself during calamities.

٢١. تنَبهْ إنّ عمرَكَ قد تَقَضَّى
فَعَدِّ وعُدّ نَفسَك في الهَوالِكْ

22. And reproach yourself for your negligence, and see
What path have you started walking?

٢٢. وعاتِبْها على التَفريط وانظرْ
لأيّ طريقةٍ أَصبْحتَ سالِكْ

23. Tell me, what will you say on the Day of Calling
When the Supreme questions you about your deeds?

٢٣. وقُلْ لي ما الّذي يومَ التّنادي
تجيبُ بهِ المهيْمن عَنْ سؤالكْ

24. What excuse will you give
When they unfold your record of misdeeds?

٢٤. وماذا أنتَ قائلهُ اعْتِذاراً
إذا نَشَروا كِتابَكَ عَنْ فِعالِك

25. So fear your Master in solitude and beseech
Him with your lamentation and supplication.

٢٥. فَخَفْ مولاك في الخَلواتِ واجأرْ
إليه بانْتِحابِكَ وابْتِهالكْ

26. Be mindful of His command always,
And He will relieve your difficult state on Judgment Day.

٢٦. وراقِبْ أمره في كلّ حالٍ
يُفرَجْ في القيامَةِ ضيقَ حالِكْ

27. Do not incline towards disobedience, which will lead
Your state into a night of sorrows.

٢٧. ولا تجنَحْ إلى العصْيانِ تُدْفَعْ
إلى ليلٍ مِنَ الأحزانِ حالِكْ

28. And if you are afflicted with something, then be patient,
Perhaps God will bring about relief after that.

٢٨. وإن أمراً بًلِيتَ بهِ فَصَبراً
لَعَلَ الله يُحدِثُ بعْدَ ذلكْ

29. For many a calamity has passed you,
As if it never touched you at all.

٢٩. فَرُبَّ مصيبةٍ مَرَّتْ ومَرَّتْ
عليكَ كأنْ مَا مَرَّتْ ببالِك

30. How much adversity has refined you
And the nights have perfected your mettle!

٣٠. وكم قد ثقّفَ مِنكَ الرَّزايا
وأَحْكمتِ اللّيالي مِن صقالِكْ