
Why the estrangement, and for what reason the refusal and boredom?

فيم الجفا وعلام الصد والملل

1. Why the estrangement, and for what reason the refusal and boredom?
Why have messages between us been severed?

١. فِيمَ الجفا وعَلاَمَ الصدُّ والمَلَلُ
ما بَالُهَا انْقَطَعتْ ما بيْنَنا الرسلُ

2. Great is the difference between us in love;
My share is loyalty, while your share is boredom.

٢. شتان ما بيننا في الحُب حَظّكُم
مني الوفاء وحظّي منكُم الملَلُ

3. The slanderers said that I have become weary of you,
What a lie - what they mentioned and conveyed about me!

٣. قال الحواسدُ إنّي قد سَلوتُكمُ
يا كذْب ما ذكروا عنّي وما نقلوا

4. My masters, I have not gained from you kindness and pleased acceptance,
If after you I could find any substitute.

٤. لا فُزْتُ يا سادتي مِنكُم بِعَطْفِ رضًى
إن كان لي عنكُم من بعدكم بَدَلُ

5. I do not see, after you, my eyes delighting in any faces,
If after you they adorn themselves with kohl.

٥. ولا أرى الله طرفي غُرَّ أوجهكُم
إن كانَ بعدكم بالنوم يكتَحِلُ

6. Nor have I attained my goal in your companionship,
If after you my heart can find any consolation.

٦. ولا بلغتُ مرادي من وصالِكُم
إن كانَ يلوي فؤادي عنكُم عَذَلْ

7. You went away, so the solace departed, and the means
Of my patience expanded, until the stratagems ran out.

٧. نأيتُمُ فنأى السّلوان واتّسعَتْ
أبوابُ صبري حتّى ضاقتِ الحيَلُ

8. My expectation of you before the separation was good,
Until you went away, so hopes and wishes failed.

٨. وكان ظنّي بكم قبل النّوى حسناً
حتّى نأيتم فخابَ الظنُ والأملُ

9. I carried more than I could endure, and yet I was a young man,
Who possessed no she-camel or camel in this.

٩. حملتُ فوق الذي أقوى وكنت فتىً
لا ناقةٌ ليَ في هذا ولا جملُ

10. And separation works in my heartache what
No emaciated, withered one could accomplish.

١٠. والْهَجْر يفعلُ في الأحشاء لا عجُه
ما ليسَ تفعلُه العسَّالةُ الذّبلْ

11. I have come with a brief description of longing,
While the details and full account are with my Master.

١١. وقد أتيتُ بوصفِ الشوق مختصراً
وعند مالكي التَّفصيل والجملُ

12. The reason for reproach is that for some time
No books or messages have come to me from you.

١٢. وموجبُ العَتْب أنِّي صرتُ مُذْ زَمنٍ
ما جاءني منكُم كتبٌ ولا رُسلُ