
Tell me about Ali, tell me of him

حدثاني عن علي حدثاني

1. Tell me about Ali, tell me of him
And dissuade me of so-and-so and so-and-so

١. حَدِّثاني عن عليّ حَدثاني
ودَعَاني عَنْ فلانٍ وفلانِ

2. And look, did you ever see in your lives
Anyone other than him as the Chosen One's successor?

٢. وانظرا هَلْ تَرَيا مَا عِشْتما
غيرَه لِلْمصْطَفى المختارِ ثاني

3. How can I hide my love for him when he is the one
Whom the Exalted Creator paired with the Quran?

٣. كيفَ أُخفي حبِّهُ وهو الّذي
قرنَ الباري تعالَى بالقُرانِ

4. Indeed my religion and belief is loving him
He saved me on the Day of Gathering and granted my wishes

٤. إنّ دِيني واعْتقادي حُبُّه
ونَجَاني يومَ حَشْري وأماني

5. O questioner, ignorant of me
I am the one whose status all people know

٥. أيّها السَّائِلُ عَنّي جاهِلاً
أنا مَنْ قد عَلِمَ الناسُ مكاني

6. By God, if I had no pride
Other than my love for Ali, that would suffice me

٦. قَسَماً لو لم يكنْ لي مَفْخَرٌ
غير حُبّي لِعَليٍّ لَكَفاني

7. Despite my being at the pinnacle of glory
All fall short of its heights in estimation

٧. مَعَ أنّي في أَعَالي ذروةٍ
كلَّ عَن غاياتها مَرْمَى العِيان

8. I am the one whose uncles are Hashim's
Tucked into a nook on the day of the wager

٨. أَنَا مَنْ أخوالُه مِنْ هاشِمِ
ضُمَّر الْحَلْبَةِ في يوم الرِّهانِ

9. Nobles of Hudhayl bore him
Each lowly one falls short of their pride

٩. أنجبتْهُ سادةً مِنْ حميرٍ
يَنثَني عن فخْرِهم كلُّ مُداني

10. O People of the Prophet's House, my love to you
Above all people, near or far

١٠. أهلَ بيتِ المصْطفى ودّي لكُم
دونَ أهلِ الأرضِ من قاصٍ وداني

11. A people blamed me for praising you
And through it I gained the gardens of Paradise

١١. لاَمَني قومٌ على مَدْحي لكم
وبه أحوي فراديسَ الجِنان

12. If praising Ali is a denial
Then who is most worthy of the finest poems?

١٢. إن يكنْ مدحُ عليٍّ مُنكِراً
فَمَنِ الأَوْلى بأبكارِ المعاني

13. I will tend, as long as my life lasts
My love for him, which my parents entrusted me with

١٣. سوفَ أرعَى ما اسْتطالَ العُمر مِن
حُبّهِ ما أَبوايَ استودعاني

14. I will ally my praise of him and of
His family, for as long as my tongue can speak

١٤. سَأُوَالي مِدَحي فيه وفي
آله ما مَلك النّطْقَ لِساني