1. Does anguish still torment his mind
Among the dwellers of the ruins left behind?
١. أتُرى يَسْلُوا الهوَى ولَهُ
عِندَ سُكَّان الحِمَى وَلَهُ
2. With a heart so full of grief and pain
Parted by absence that split them in twain
٢. مُغرمٌ في قلبهِ حَزَنٌ
فصَّل الهجرانُ مُجْمَلَهُ
3. His sickness grew, and he's but a shade
Of one admired before love did fade
٣. عَظُمتْ أسقامُه فغدا
لا يَراه مَنْ تأمَّلَهُ
4. If he who did unjustly blame
Saw whom love devastated, his shame!
٤. لَو رأى مَن ظَلّ يعذلُه
وجْهَ مَنْ في الحُب أنحلَهُ
5. "I bear you no ill will," he might say
"If passion has led you astray."
٥. قال أمَّا فيك لا حَرَجٌ
إن قضى وجداً يحقَ له