1. Kanana demonstrated valor, triumphing over enemies with her sword
And the pinnacle of glory shone its radiant light for the exalted
١. كنانة عزّ فوَّقتْ لِلْعِدى نَصْلاً
وغَايَةُ مجدٍ أطلعتْ لِلْعُلَى شبلا
2. The horizon of pride unveiled the full moon in all its splendor
Illuminating, its light dispelling gloom and darkness across the land
٢. وأفق فخارٍ أطلعَ البدرَ زاهراً
يُنير فَيمْلاَ نورُهُ الحزنَ والسَّهلا
3. The garden of virtue grew branches of glory that towered
High above the domain of all things noble and sublime
٣. وروضةُ فضلٍ أنْبتْ غصن سؤددٍ
عَلاَ فوقَ دوحات المكارم واستَعْلَى
4. With it the envious are targeted, the radiance of its glory assailed
An offspring of the best of messengers, may it honor progeny
٤. ونجمٌ به تُرمَى حواسدُ مجدهِ
ونجلٌ لخير الرسل أكْرِمْ بهِ نَجْلاً
5. A branch of perfection, its root the master of all humanity
So excellent the branch, so excellent the root that bore it
٥. وفرعُ كمالٍ أصْلُه سيّدُ الورى
فيا حبذا فرعاً ويا حبّذا أصْلاً
6. A king ordained by God, a sword for His faith
Who marshals horse and infantry against His enemies
٦. وملكٌ نضاهُ اللهُ سيفاً لدينه
يقود إلى أعدائهِ الخيلَ والرَّجْلاَ
7. Shattering the unity of unbelievers by his resolve
And for the upright religion uniting its adherents through his reign
٧. يُشَتّت شَملَ الكَافرين بعزْمِهِ
ويجْمع للدّينِ الحنيف به شَملا
8. Destroying the bastion of injustice with white swords and spears
And bringing justice to the people through his equitable rule
٨. يهدم ربعَ الظلمِ بالبيض والقنا
ويوسع أهلَ الأرضِ مِنْ حُكمِهْ عدْلا
9. God made His marvelous work shine in him
Molding for mankind magnanimity and grace
٩. أرى الله منه الخلقَ باهرَ صُنعهِ
فَصَوَّر لِلّناسِ السَّماحةَ والفَضْلا
10. He brought him forth into the arena of glory and nobility
A steed who, when horsemen charge, is swift and unencumbered
١٠. وأبرزَهُ في حَلْبَةِ المجدِ والعُلَى
جواداً إذا صَلَّتْ فوارسُها جلَّى
11. So the pillars of faith will be strengthened through him, supported
God united through him sovereignty and excellence
١١. لِيَهْن عمادَ الدّين منهُ مُسوّدٌ
به جمعَ اللهُ السِّيادة والنّبلا
12. He set out to uphold the highest ideals
When empires bow down before him in humility
١٢. غَدا لِلْمَعالي قُبْلةً فِي جبينها
إذا كانتِ الأملاك في ساقِها حجْلا
13. Name him Amir al-Mu'minin, whose praises
Will be forever recited in the scrolls of the sublime
١٣. سميّ أمير المؤمنين الَّذي لهُ
محامدُ في صحْف العُلى أبداً تُتْلَى
14. The Imam of humanity, Zayd, who erected the standard of guidance
And extended the shade of his justice over the horizons
١٤. إمام الورى زيد الّذي نعش الهدى
ومدَّ على الآفاقِ من عَدْلهِ ظِلاً
15. He renewed the law of religion after its dissolution
And dealt broadly with his enemies, capturing and killing them
١٥. وجدَدَ رسمَ الدينِ رسمَ الدينِ بعد اندراسِهِ
وأَوسَعَ في أَعدائِه الأسر والقتلا
16. With steely resolve demolishing mighty pillars
And wisdom that clarifies when elucidated the confused
١٦. بعزم يهدّ الراسيات مُصَمّمِ
ورأي إذا يُنْضَى جلا ظُلمَ الجُلَّي
17. So thank you, O son of Muhammad
For what your God decreed for you with thanks is only fitting
١٧. فشكراً لما أَولاكَ يا بْنَ مُحمّدٍ
إلهَك ما أحْراهُ بالشّكرِ ما أوْلى
18. You will attain the heights to which you aspired
And be clothed with a mantle of glory that will never fade
١٨. سَيَبْلغُ ما أمّلتَ فيهِ من العُلَى
ويَلْبَسُ بُرداً للسَعادةِ لا يَبْلَى
19. And emulate Amir al-Mu'minin, excelling him
And follow closely in his ideal path
١٩. ويقفو أميرَ المؤمنين سميَّه
ويسلكُ عَن قُربٍ طريقتَه الْمُثْلَى
20. Imbibing the pure wine of his knowledge
And attaining through it the heights and wish fulfillment
٢٠. ويشربُ ريّاً مِن نَمير علومِهِ
ويدرك من زخّارها العَلَّ والنَهْلاَ
21. Spreading in the horizons the light of his faith
And ruling in this world with power and dominion
٢١. ويُظْهر في الآفاق أنوار دينهِ
ويملكُ في هذَا الورى العَقْدَ والحَلاَّ
22. Drinking the wisdom of the Prophet's purified progeny from
Your father, who in his own time shone while still a child
٢٢. ويَرْوي علومَ الطّهر آل النبيّ عَنْ
أبيهِ الّذي جلَّى بميدانها طِفْلا
23. And following him in word and deed, just as
He recounted to you what his grandfather had done and said
٢٣. ويتبعُه في القولِ والفِعْل مثلما
حكَى قبلَهُ من جدّه القولَ والفِعلاَ
24. There came after Zayd one who emulates his guidance
Clarifying for us after him religious duty and supererogation
٢٤. أتَى بعد زيدٍ يقْتفي نهجَِ هَدْيه
ويوضحُ فينا بعدَهُ الفرضَ والنَّفلاَ
25. He continues to make plain, piecing together
The clear path, its directions for us illuminated
٢٥. فلا زالَ فينا ما أقامَ يلمْلَمُ
يبينُ لنا منْ نهجِهِ الواضحِ السُّبْلاَ