
Who do you see other than Ali

من ترى غير علي

1. Who do you see other than Ali
Who was a protector of the Prophet

١. مَنْ ترَى غيرَ عليٍّ
كانَ صِنواً لِلنَّبيِّ

2. Who do you see after the best
Of prophets, the best successor

٢. مَن ترى من بعد خير
الأنبيا خيرَ وصِيِّ

3. Who do you see was appointed by the best
Of messengers, concerning the matter of Ali

٣. مَنْ تُرى ولاّه خير
الرُّسْلِ عنْ أمرِ العليِّ

4. Who do you see foremost in the religion
Of the Eternal, the Ancient

٤. مَنْ ترى السَّابق في دين
القَديمِ الأزليِّ

5. Who do you see killer of Amr
Of steadfastness, prosperous

٥. مَنْ ترى قاتِلَ عَمْروٍ
ذي الثبات العامِريِّ

6. Who do you see defeated Amr
When the ambitious hesitated

٦. مَنْ ترى آسر عمرو
عِندَ إحجامِ الكميّ

7. Who do you see the sun returned for
A youth other than Ali

٧. مَنْ ترى رُدَّت لَه الشَّمْسُ
فتىً غير عَليّ

8. Who do you see protected the religion
Of the Chosen One in Mashrifi

٨. مَنْ تراهُ حاط دينَ
المصْطفى بالمشرفيِّ

9. O you whose doctrine surrounded
The community, not with Taym or Adi

٩. أَبهِ الملّة حيطَتْ
أم بتَيْمٍ وعديِّ

10. Tell us, for the matter, if
You were just to us, is not obscure

١٠. قُلْ لَنا فالأمْرُ إنْ
أَنْصفتَنَا غيرُ خَفيِّ