1. The land, its corners fragrant, is verdant,
Green in a dress of finest new weave,
١. والأرضُ عاطرةُ النّواحي غضّةٌ
خضراءُ في ثوب أغرَّ جديدِ
2. And the brooks push to you their rapids,
Diverse, from the clear pools and still deeps,
٢. والماءُ تدفعُهُ إليكَ مثاعبٌ
شتّى من الميثاءِ والجُلمُودِ
3. Pure in its essence and its taste is sweetness—
Take of goodness and coolness your fill.
٣. صافٍ على صفةِ المها ومذاقُه
شَهدٌ فخُذ من طيِّبٍ وبَرودِ
4. The wadis brimmed over. I came, and they were
Like strikes of snakes endowed with great necks.
٤. ملأ التِّلاع فأقبلت وكانّها
هجماتُ حيّاتٍ ذوات حقُودِ
5. They tend toward murmurous complaint, and sometimes
Snarl—you’d hear them roar like a black lion,
٥. تنحو إلى حال الغطيطِ ورُبّما
زَأرت فتسمعها زئيرَ أسودِ
6. And the eddies stirring the pebbles, it’s as if
They had attacked the hours, dull and stunned.
٦. وَتُثيرُ طافيةَ الحصى فكأنّها
ولت على الساعاتِ فَهمَ بليد