1. And clasped in the poplar as if she were
On his hand, some of his dark curly hair,
١. ومضمومةٍ في الخيزرانِ كأنّها
على يده من شعرهِ الفاحمِ الجعدِ
2. She rubs her neck against it, as though it were
A rod, far from the rod of the distant one.
٢. تنيفُ عليهِ قدَّها فكأنّها
قضيبٌ تعالى عن قضيبِ على بُعدِ
3. And she is choked by abstinence, as if she meant
To complain to it of the tightness of the knot.
٣. وقد خُنِقَت بالتَّبرِ حتّى كأنّما
تهمُّ بأن تشكو لهُ ضائق العَقدِ