
Her appearance is waning at every moment,

ومحدوبة في كل وقت ظهورها

1. Her appearance is waning at every moment,
We fear the treachery of her decline so we spurn her.

١. ومحدوبةٍ في كُلّ وقتِ ظهورُها
نخافُ عوادي غدرها فنديرُها

2. By my honor, the son of Adam cannot do without her,
Yet she is disdained by him - he does not seek to borrow her.

٢. لعزّت فلم يستَغنِ عنها ابنُ آدم
وهانت عليهِ فَهوَ لا يستعيرُها

3. It seems he who schemed to restore her soul,
Conversed with her, or was a friend consulting her.

٣. كأنّ الذي يحتالُ في ردِّ روحها
مُناج لها أو صاحبٌ يَستشيرها

4. It seems rubble lay over her while she lay beneath,
Startling a blond, curly-haired gazelle, stirring her.

٤. كأنّ ركاماً فوقها وَهيَ تحته
عجاجٌ وطِرفلإ اشقرّ يَستَثيرُها