
Her cheeks are like the wings of a dove flapping,

كأن حناياها جناها مصفق

1. Her cheeks are like the wings of a dove flapping,
When the sun shines on them, she spreads them like banners.

١. كأنّ حناياها جناها مُصفّقٍ
إِذا الهبتهُ الشّمسُ أرخاهما نَشرا

2. Her bracelets seem to complain of lean times,
So they spent the night as the abandoned tents of nomads, yellow.

٢. كأنَّ سواريها شكت فترة الضنى
فباتَت هُضيماتِ الحشا نُحلاً صُفرا

3. It's as if he who adorned her white neck with jewels
Tortures her with abandonment and cuts her with pride.

٣. كأنّ الذي زانَ البياض نحورَها
يُعذَّبها هجراً ويقطعها كبرا

4. It's as if the tall palm trees reaching to the sky
Are shy virgins with plaited hair the color of gold.

٤. كأنّ النخيلَ الباسقاتِ إلى العُلا
عذارى حجال رجّلت لمماً شُقرا

5. It's as if the myrtle branches and the wind between them
Are the bodies of gazelles, drunk each time they stir.

٥. كأنّ غصونَ الآس والريح بينها
متونُ نَشاوى كُلّما اضطربت سُكرا

6. A garden that fills the soul with joy,
And makes the eyes of onlookers squint with delight.

٦. حديقةُ نفسٍ تملأ النفسَ بهجةً
وتُثني عيونُ الناظرين بها حشري

7. It's as if the produce of the pomegranate tree and its flowers
Are lovers displaying their modesty when brought together.

٧. كأنّ جنى الجلّنار ووردَها
عشيقانِ لما استجمعها أظهرا خَفرا

8. It's as if the lilies at dawn
Are crystal cups filled with silver.

٨. كأنّ جنى سوسانها في سنا الضحى
كؤوس من البلّور قد حُشيت تبرا

9. It's as if the dewy eyes of the narcissus
Are eyes that shy away from shedding a tear lest it shows.

٩. كأنّ عيونَ النرجس الغضّ بالنّدى
عيونٌ تداري الدَّمعَ خيفة أن يُدري

10. It's as if the yield of the cucumber plant in the gloom of night
Is a gentle breeze visiting its lover secretly.

١٠. كأنّ جنى الخيري في غبش الدُجى
نسيمُ حبيبٍ زار عاشقَهُ سرّا

11. It's as if the water springs are heated cauldrons
Boiling as the pebbles kindled embers beneath them.

١١. كأنّ ينابيعَ المياهِ مراجلٌ
تفورُ وقد أذكت لهنّ الحصى جمرا