
She stood upon the newborn branch as though

وقفت على الغصن الجديد كأنما

1. She stood upon the newborn branch as though
She and the clouds were playing with it impishly

١. وقَفِت على الغُصنِ الجديدِ كأنّما
تلهُو بهِ في الغَيمِ أو يلهُو بِها

2. And took cover in a coiled pine tree
Shielding from sight her watchman's form thereby

٢. وتستّرت في سروةٍ مُلتفّةٍ
حِجبت عنِ الأبصار شخصَ رقيبها

3. As though the warm southerly wind had changed
Invisible unless when in its blowing

٣. فكأنّما ريحُ الجَنوبِ تغايرت
ألا تُرى إلاّ لوقتِ هُبوبها

4. It stayed to caress her, and when daybreak came
She rose before us like the sun, her glowing

٤. باتَت تُغازُلها فلمّا أصبحت
بَرزت لنا كالشّمسِ تبل غُروبها