1. And though your armor were hewn from granite rock
Still would the timid find in you their balm
١. وكأنّ درعَكَ أُنشئت من مزنَةٍ
فيكادُ أن يعشى بها المُستلئمُ
2. And though they huddled close in battle's shock
You'd shield them gently with your mighty arm
٢. وكأنّهم مما تدانوا والتقوا
رفٌ فتحسَبُها تهمُّ وتهجمُ
3. Behind that armor beats a heart so kind
It overfloweth like a Islam's fate
٣. وكأنّ جسمَك من وراء حجابها
دينٌ يشحُّ بهِ تقيُّ مُسلمُ