
From every overflowing stream you see

من كل ضافية الغدير ترى لها

1. From every overflowing stream you see
Paths that become on the waves eddies

١. من كُلّ ضافيةِ الغدير ترى لها
طُرُقاً تصيرُ على المتُونِ غدائرا

2. She was called the mother of time and so suckled
Her young ones at the breast of spears still tender

٢. قد سُمِّيت أُمّ الزمانِ فَأرضعت
أولادها ثديَ الرّماحِ أصاغرا

3. So it is as if they flock together out of fright
Or of awe were there among them one startling

٣. فكأنّهم يتطافرون لريبةٍ
أو رَوعةِ لو انّ فيهم طافراً

4. And as if they from what drew near and met
Were birds that in the air saw a fierce falcon

٤. وكأنّهم مما تدانو والتقؤا
طيرٌ رأت في الجّو صقراً كاسرا