
With a flexibility after the winds, as though

ومرنة بعد الرواح كأنما

1. With a flexibility after the winds, as though
In its throat is the crashing sound of hailstones

١. ومُرِنَةٍ بعد الرّواحِ كأنّما
في نَحرِها صوتُ القريعِ الهادرِ

2. It drew near to the ears, yet remains distant
From them, and disappeared into the blowing present

٢. قرًبت من الأسماع وَهيَ بعيدةٌ
منها وغابت في الهبوب الحاضر

3. So when its multitudes gather in an arena
It's as if each roaring lion gathers

٣. فإذا التقى جمهورها في دوحةٍ
فكأنَّ كُلّ ليثِ هاصرِ

4. And when its darkness stands alone, it's as though
In it, the marching of armies with dwellings

٤. وإِذا استقلّ قتامُها فكأنّما
فيهِ التفافُ عساكرٍ بمساكرٍ