
He breaks his word by his behavior

يخالف العهد في تصرفه

1. He breaks his word by his behavior
Though he is young by nature

١. يُخالفُ العهدَ في تصرُّفِهِ
وَهوَ على خَلقِهِ وإن صَغرا

2. As if he were in my hands moving me
And spreading my heart without realizing

٢. كانّه في يَدَ بمحركهِ
ينشُرُ قَلبي بهِ وما شَعَرا

3. As if he were David when he recites
The Psalms and Surahs within me

٣. كأنّه داودَ حينَ يُوقِظُه
يقرأُ فيهِ الزّبورَ والسُّورا