
The mighty hand was generous, so it erected a guardhouse

جادت يد العليا فشادت محرسا

1. The mighty hand was generous, so it erected a guardhouse
In it to secure lodging for the traders

١. جادَت يَدُ العَليا فَشادَت محرساً
فيهِ لِتَأمين التُجار مَنازِلُ

2. And safety in the days of the supreme Sultan
Abdul Aziz towards the desert is all encompassing

٢. وَالأَمنُ في أَيام سُلطانِ العُلى
عَبدُ العَزيز إِلى البَريةِ شامِلُ

3. So in his shade Ibrahim seriously
Strove in reinforcing this dam, and he is the virtuous one

٣. فبظلِهِ قَد جَدَّ إِبرَاهيم في
تَوطيد هَذا السَدّ وَهُوَ الفاضِلُ

4. A pillar that holds back the sea from its aggression
Dated by it the perfection of trade is complete

٤. رُكنٌ يَردُّ البَحرَ عَن عُدوانِهِ
أرّخ بِهِ حُسن التِجارَةِ كامِلُ