
Your qualities of beauty are unmatched,

صفاتك بالجمال على انفراد

1. Your qualities of beauty are unmatched,
Their praise sung in every gathering.

١. صِفاتكَ بِالجَمالِ عَلى اِنفِرادِ
يَرنُّ مَديحَها في كُلِّ نادِ

2. You are wise with your noble understanding,
The spirit of integrity lives in your thoughts.

٢. وَأَنتَ بِفهمكَ السامي ذَكيٌّ
يَعيش بِفكرِهِ روح السَدادِ

3. More gentle than wine when it sparkles,
And softer than the caress of affection.

٣. أَرقّ مِن المَدامة وَهِيَ تَجلى
وَأَلطَف مِن مُغازَلَة الوِدادِ

4. You have stolen charm and robbed all hearts,
Hearts and souls are infatuated with you.

٤. نَهَبتَ اللُطف تَسلب كُل قَلبٍ
رُوَيدَك بِالقُلوب وَبِالعِبادِ

5. I know you as a benefactor who has favored me
With gifts too glorious for hands to give.

٥. عَرفتُكَ مُحسِناً قَد مَنَّ فَضلاً
عَليَّ بِما يَجلُّ مِن الأَيادي

6. The heights have poured their radiance over you,
A light atop the beams of guidance.

٦. لَقَد سَكَبت عَلَيكَ يَدُ الأَعالي
شُعاعاً فَوقَ أَنوارِ الرَشادِ

7. I saw you dazzle all eyes,
So let my sight behold you and take my heart.

٧. رَأَيتُكَ تُبهر الأَنظار فيهِ
فَدَع نَظَري يَراكَ وَخُذ فُوادي

8. Though after tomorrow my sight and my journey
Will be hindered by the veils of distance.

٨. وَما نَظَري وَبَعد غَدٍ مَسيري
يُمانِعُهُ باحجبة البُعادِ

9. Yet in my imagination every day
I will visit you, thankfulness my provision.

٩. وَلَكن بِالتَصَور كُل يَومٍ
أَزورَك ساعياً وَالشُكر زادي