
My longing for you leads me to meadows of dew

عدبي فديتك نحو ساحات الندى

1. My longing for you leads me to meadows of dew
In this place I found my love for Ahmad renewed

١. عُدبي فَدَيتكَ نَحوَ ساحات النَدى
فَلِذا المَقام رَأَيتُ عوديَ أَحمَدا

2. He met the full moon advancing
Adorned with the glorious banners of greatness

٢. أَلقى بِهِ البَدرَ مَصدَّراً
بِحَمائِلِ المَجدِ العَظيم مُقَلَّدا

3. My master melted his enemies with his honor
And with his praise the friend sang joyfully

٣. مَولىً بِعزَّتِهِ أَذابَ عَدُوَّهُ
وَبِمَدحِهِ غَنى الخَليلُ مُغَرِّدا

4. Noble, striving for virtues
Gaining praise for benevolence eternally

٤. شَهمٌ تَولَعَ بِالمَكارِمِ ساعياً
بِالخَير يَكتَسِبُ الثَناء عَلى المَدى

5. The brilliant, wise one whose utterances
Were guided by the hands of eloquence

٥. المَنشيءُ الفَطنُ الَّذي لِبنانِهِ
أَيدي البَلاغة سَلمت قلم الهُدى

6. His glories were exalted, so he was called Muhammad
His leadership was sublime, so he became the master

٦. عَظَمت مَحامِدُهُ فَقيل محمَّدٌ
وَسمت سِيادَتَهُ فَكانَ السَيّدا

7. His manners were gentle, his vitality verdant
Like a rose in the morn, crowned with dew

٧. رَقَّت خَلائِقُهُ وَراقَت نَضرَةً
كَالوَرد في الإِصباحِ كَلَّلهُ النَدا

8. His zeal secured assistance from the angels
Since he was detached from the souls' whims

٨. أَلفَت حَميَّتهُ مُساعَدة المَلا
إِذ كانَ عَن أَرَبِ النُفوسِ مُجَرَّدا

9. If the ailing outcast sipped the sweetness
Of his kindness, it would save him from devastation's intensity

٩. لَو يَرشِفُ الدنِفُ العَليلُ حَلاوَةً
مِن لُطفِهِ أَنجَتهُ مِن هَولُ الرَدى

10. You brought good tidings of kindness, O Muhammad, so joy appeared
My bliss, for loving you I was joyful

١٠. بَشَرتَ لُطفاً يا مُحَمَّدُ فَاِنجَلى
سَعدي وَكُنتُ بِحُبِّ ذاتِكَ أَسعَدا

11. And who could compare to your sublime essence?
You are worthy, so your merit spread, slaking thirst

١١. وَنَظيرُ ذاتكَ مَن يَكون إِلى العُلى
أَهلاً فَفَضلُكَ قَد سَما يَروي الصَدا

12. Leave remembering al-‘Aqiq and come to
A tower built in an emerald meadow’s midst

١٢. دَع عَنكَ تِذكار العَقيق وَقُم إِلى
بُرجٍ تَشَيَّدَ وَسَط مَرجِ زُمردِ

13. A horizon glittering with splendor until
The light of the villages appeared from its kindling

١٣. أُفقٌ تَلألَأَ بِالبَها حَتّى بَدَت
نار القُرى مَن نورِهِ المُتَوَقِدِ

14. Its pillars stood on the foundation of piety
And gratitude rang out from the heart of the chanter

١٤. قامَت دِعايمهُ عَلى رُكن التُقى
وَالشُكر يَصدحُ مِن فُؤادِ المُنشِدِ

15. Good fortune heralded in purity, giving tidings
To whoever comes to Muhammad’s abode

١٥. وَاليمنُ أَرّخه يُنادي بِالصَفا
بُشرى لِمَن وافى مَقامَ مُحَمَّدِ