
The full moon of guidance rose high, illuminating it,

بدا في العلى بدر الهدى فأناره

1. The full moon of guidance rose high, illuminating it,
And it became complete, so it was the halo of good fortune, its house.

١. بَدا في العُلى بَدر الهُدى فَأَنارَهُ
وَتَمَّ فَكانَت هالَة السَعدِ دارَهُ

2. It's not a halo, but the blackness of our eyes,
With which its house shone when it stared intently.

٢. وَما هالَةٌ لَكن سَوادَ عُيونِنا
بِهِ دارَ لَما أَحدَقَت فَانارَهُ

3. So whoever doubts, let him look at the face of our friend,
Upon whom intimacy sheds a greenish radiance.

٣. فَمَن شَكَّ فَليَنظُر بِوَجهِ خَليلنا
عُذاراً عَلَيهِ الأُنس أَلقى إِخضِرارَهُ

4. In his sublime mind there is a flame of intellect
That showed smoke while hiding its fire.

٤. فَفي فِكرِهِ السامي لَهيبٌ مِن الذَكا
أَبانَ دُخاناً وَهُوَ يَخفي أَوارَهُ

5. Had the morn of hope not been his face,
That smoke would not have risen in it with sparks.

٥. وَلَو لَم يَكُن صُبح الرَجا وَجهَهُ لَما
عَلا فيهِ ذَيّاك الدُخان شَرارَهُ

6. A friend appeared, enlivening the friend with his kindness,
Becoming glorious, the deeds of camels his motto.

٦. خَليلٌ بَدا يَحيي الخَليلَ بِلُطفِهِ
جَليلٌ غَدا فعلُ الجمل شِعارَهُ

7. The ether of glory called him kindly to its tower,
So he shone and showed solemnity to the servants.

٧. دَعاهُ أَثير المَجدِ لُطفاً لِبُرجِهِ
فَلاحَ وَأَبدى لِلعِبادِ وَقارَهُ

8. He revealed to the horizon of fortune a star, his face,
Together, as he illuminated its night and day.

٨. أَبانَ لافقِ السَعدِ كَوكَبُ وَجهِهِ
مَعاً وَهُوَ يَجلي لَيلَهُ وَنَهارَهُ

9. He brought me to life, so I said, recording the date,
"The perfection of perfection has now revealed its bloom."

٩. وَحيي فَأَحيانا فَقُلتُ مُؤَرِخاً
خَليلُ الكَمالِ الآنَ أَبدى عذارَهُ