1. Why does the raven croak at the ruins as dawn breaks,
Igniting flames of grief deep inside us?
١. ما لِلغُرابِ عَلى الأَطلالِ قَد نَعبا
صُبحاً فَأَحَّجَ في أَحشائِنا اللَهَبا
2. He laments - we ask: "Do you see death's quick devastation?"
"Yes," he nods. "It has raged and destroyed."
٢. نَعى فَقُلنا لَهُ المَوت المُريع تَرى
سَطا فَقالَ نَعَم قَد صالَ وَأَحرَبا
3. A dove secure in the gardens of companionship -
He startled her, then claimed her for prey.
٣. حَمامَةٌ في رِياضِ الأُنس آمِنَةٌ
أَراعَها ثُمَ شاءَ القَنصَ فَاغِتَصَبا
4. But she resisted as he stood there astonished
At his misdeed. His greed was overcome.
٤. لَكِنَّها مانَعَتهُ وَهُوَ مُندَهِشٌ
بِما أَصابَ فَرامَ الحِرصَ فَاِنغَلَبا
5. Dazzled by her crown of light as he descended
Upon her pure white gown - he lost control.
٥. قَد هالَهُ تاجُ نورٍ وَهُوَ مُنَحَدِرٌ
عَلى قَنيصَتِهِ الغَراءِ فَاِضطَربا
6. She slipped from his hands, smiling as she ascended
To a delicate garden on high, lush and fertile.
٦. فَاِستَخلَصت مِن يَديهِ وَهِيَ باسِمَةٌ
تَعلو لِرَوضٍ أَنيقِ في العُلى خَصبا
7. I did not lament her fortune, but wept for one
Far from her - a tender sapling burnt by separation's flames.
٧. فَما نَعبتُ عَلَيها أَنَّها سَعدت
لَكن بَكيتُ لِمَن في بُعدِها اِنتَكَبا
8. A branch, once brilliant, whose flowers the storms of fate
Had ravaged and stripped bare.
٨. فَتى أَرَقُّ مِن الماءِ الزُلالِ عَلى
قَلبِ الجَريح دَهاهُ البينُ فَالتَهَبا
9. A broken, drooping branch, bent over
In the spring of its life, sunk in sorrow.
٩. غُصنٌ زَها يَسلُبُ الأَلبابِ قَد عَبَثَت
بِزَهرِهِ عاصِفاتُ الدَهر فَاِنسَلَبا
10. The tears on his left cheek are constant -
His right eye stopped weeping long ago.
١٠. غُصنٌ عَلى غُصنِهِ المَقصوف مُنَكَسِرٌ
لَذا اِنحَنى في رَبيع العُمرِ مُنتَحِبا
11. Just yesterday he wore the robes of grief.
Joy did not visit his heart again.
١١. يُسراهُ أَضحَت عَلى خَديهِ لاطِمَةً
لِأَنَّ يُمناهُ سارَت تَبلغُ الأَرَبا
12. She left and the wedding concluded.
Dancing returned to the gardens - but was it real?
١٢. لَم يَخلَع الأَمس ثَوبَ الحُزن مُبتَهِجاً
حَتّى تَجدَّدَ في أَحشاهُ مُنتَشِيا
13. A year of joyful celebration lasted only a moment,
As if it were a dream that passed like a cloud.
١٣. سارَت اليَفتهُ وَالعُرس مُختَتِمٌ
فَجَدد الرَقصفي رَوضاتِهِ طَرَبا
14. Until he awoke at dawn into darkness,
As if night had become the new dawn.
١٤. وَلَم تَتمَّ عَلى أَفراحِهِ سَنةٌ
كَأَنَّها سَنَةٌ وَالعَيش حلم هبا
15. He calls to his father and laments his stolen pearl.
He rages at his misfortune and loss.
١٥. حَتّىاِستَفاقَ بَصُبح العُمرِ في ظُلمٍ
كَأَنَّما اللَيل أَضحى لِلصَباح قبا
16. He weeps, and his infant daughter weeps,
So he feeds her his tears to appease her cries.
١٦. يَدعو أَباهُ وَيَشكو سَلبَ دُرَّتِهِ
وَيَستشيط لَما مِن حَظِّهِ نُهِبا
17. The tears of youth spill for the youth,
Increasing his sorrows and anguish.
١٧. يَبكي وَطفلَتَهُ تَبكي فَيُرضِعُها
دَمعاً تَهيج لَهُ أَصواتُ مَن نَدَبا
18. Oh guide him, for fate has tested him
As it does the wise and learned.
١٨. دَمع الصِبا قَد صَبا لِلصَبِّ مُنهَمِلاً
يَزيد ذا الصَبَّ في أَحزانِهِ وَصَبا
19. I saw him sunk in grief and burning with sorrow,
His state perplexed me and filled me with wonder -
١٩. وَيحي عَلَيهِ فَإِنَّ الدَهر قَلَّبهُ
كَما تَقَلب يُحصي العلم وَالأَدَبا
20. A fatherless father, widowed groom, confused lover,
An elder with the sorrows of a boy defeated.
٢٠. رَأَيتَهُ غارِقاً بِالحُزنِ مُحتَرِقاً
حَتّى تَوَهَمَت مِن حالاتِهِ العَجَبا
21. These are your qualities, my friend -
In one era you lived lifetimes.
٢١. أَباً يَتيماً عَريساً أَرمَلاً وَلَهاً
شَيخ الخَطوب صَبياً لِلصِبا غَلبا
22. In your nature, kindness penetrates,
Dispelling rage and anger.
٢٢. هَذِهِ صِفاتكَ يا خضلي عَرَفتَ بِها
كُل الأُمور بَعَصرٍ عَهدُهُ قَرُبا
23. Temper the flames with the patience inside you,
And leave behind what has departed.
٢٣. وَفي طِباعك يااِسكَندَر اِنطَبَعَت
رَقائق اللُطف تَنفي الغَيظ وَالغَضَبا
24. Though misfortune assails you, do not despair -
Be courageous of mind, wise and prudent.
٢٤. فَاطفِ اللَهيبَ بِحُلمٍ فيكَ مُنغَرِسٍ
وَاقصر عَناكَ فَلا رَدٌّ لَما ذَهَبا
25. Overcome ignorance with your light.
Calamities spare no one in this life.
٢٥. قَد هاجَمَتكَ خُطوبُ الدَهر عابِسَةً
فَلا تَكُن لِسُقوط القَلبِ مُنتَسِبا
26. Those who endure will not stumble.
You are the brave one, courageous in mind.
٢٦. أَنتَ الشُجاع شُجاع العَقل في فَطنٍ
تَسطو عَلى الجَهل حَيثُ النور قَد سَكَبا
٢٧. مَصائِبُ الدَهر لا تَبقي عَلى أَحَدٍ
وَمِن تَجَلَّدَ في الدُنيا فَما نُكِبا