
Hussain took the lead at the top, signaling,

تصدر في العليا حسين مشيرا

1. Hussain took the lead at the top, signaling,
So get up and tell the world about that good news.

١. تَصدَّر في العَليا حسينُ مُشيراً
فَقُم وَاُخبر الدُنيا بِذاكَ بَشيرا

2. And say, don't let glory make you complacent like a planet,
With his outstanding merits overshadowing the light.

٢. وَقُل لا تَثير المَجد يَهنيكَ كَوكَبٌ
بِأَفضالِهِ الغَراءِ ظلَّ مُنيرا

3. A wise one for the comfort of understanding went decisively
Circling with cups of guidance filled.

٣. حَكيمٌ لِراحِ الفَهم راحَ بِحَزمِهِ
يَطوف بِأَقداح الرَشادِ مُديرا

4. Our secrets were delighted with what he got from the dew
Of the throne of guidance that guides the worshipers to bliss.

٤. سَرائِرنا سرَّت بِما نالَ مِن نَدى
سَرير الهُدى يَهدي العِبادَ سُرورا

5. The king saw him as a soul inclined to remembrance,
And for glory a body, so he chose him as an emissary.

٥. رَأَهُ المَليك الشاه روحا إِلى الذَكا
وَلِلمَجدِ جِسماً فَاِصطَفاهُ سَفيرا

6. And for the magnificent state as an advisor he appointed him,
So he stood above the wishes of the people as a warner.

٦. وَلِلدَولة الغَرا مُشيراً أَقامَهُ
فَقامَ عَلى هام الأَنام نَذيرا

7. There the Khaleel called him, chronicling
His state, Hussain fulfilled the advisor.

٧. هُنالِكَ ناداهُ الخَليلُ مُؤرِخاً
لِدَولَتِهِ وافى الحسينُ مُشيرا