
Let the universe know that goodness floods it

فليعلم الكون أن الخير يغمره

1. Let the universe know that goodness floods it
For its Owner looks after it with kindness

١. فَليَعلَم الكَونُ أَنَّ الخَيرَ يَغمُرُهُ
لِأَنَّ مالِكُهُ بِاللُطفِ يَنظرُهُ

2. And let the exalted king rejoice in the support of his power
For the Lord of the Highest continues to help him

٢. وَليُبشر الملكُ في تَأييدِ شَوكَتِهِ
لِأَنَّ رَبَّ العُلى ما زالَ يَنصرُهُ

3. Abdulaziz has established himself on the throne of his lofty ancestry
As a good king whose being prospers

٣. فَقَد أَقامَ عَلى عَلياء سَدَّتِهِ
عَبدَ العَزيز مَليكاً طابَ عُنصرَهُ

4. His ascension was the date of happiness in
The world, and an era of rising fortune

٤. جُلوسَهُ كانَ تاريخَ السَعادة في
الدُنيا وَعَصراً إِلى الإِقبال يَنشُرُهُ

5. The high years sang joyfully
Praising him, and the people of earth thank him

٥. فَغَرَدَت السُنُ العَلياءِ صادِحَةً
بِمَدحِهِ وَشُعوب الأَرضِ تَشكُرُهُ

6. This is the king who enlivens the servants with his
Generosity, which he composes and distributes

٦. هَذا هُوَ المَلِكُ المحيي العِبادَ بِما
قَد جادَ يَنظُمُ مِن فَضلٍ وَيَنثُرُهُ

7. The sun of existence, the sea of generosity from which he draws
The full moon of guidance, the ocean of justice which illuminates it

٧. شَمسُ الوجودِ مَفيضُ الجودِ منهلَهُ
بَدرُ الهِدايَةِ بَحرُ العَدلِ نَيّرهُ

8. The crown of the caliphate, the light of insight his strength
The essence of subtlety, the soul of wisdom his substance

٨. تاجَ الخِلافَةِ نور الفهم قوَّتهُ
جسمُ اللطَافَةِ روحُ الحلم جَوهَرَهُ

9. The risings of victory in the peaks of his troops
Are like stars of prosperity camped

٩. طَوالِعُ النَصرِ في أَوجاهِ عَسكَرِهِ
كَأَنَّما أَنجُمُ الإِسعادِ عَسكَرَهُ

10. He continues to raise the minaret of kingship with determination
Beside which the endeavors of Caesar and Khosrow fail

١٠. ما زالَ يَعلي مَنار المُلكِ في هممٍ
عَنها يَقصّرُ كَسراهُ وَقَيصَرَهُ

11. And now he has unified Syria
As a province with a system whose fragrance has spread

١١. وَالآن أَنعشَ سوريّا مؤَلَّفةً
وِلايَةً بِنِظامٍ فاحَ عَنبَرَهُ

12. It worshipped, recalling the day of ascension
Whose spectacle had pleased it

١٢. فَعَبدت لإِزديادِ السَعدِ ذاكِرَةً
يَومَ الجُلوسِ الَّذي قَد راقَ مَنظَرَهُ

13. It was the fifth anniversary of his caliphate
And the first anniversary which overflowed its abundance

١٣. فكانَ خامسَ عيدٍ مِن خِلافَتِهِ لَها
وَأَوَّلَ عيدٍ طافَ كَوثَرَهُ

14. And each day for us is a holiday in his state
As we announce good news and joys

١٤. وَكُلُّ يَومٍ لَنا عيدٌ بِدَولَتِهِ
عَلى البَشائرِ وَالأَفراحِ نَشهرهُ

15. And this day has been distinguished, we date it
With the glory of the anniversary of ascension, which we commemorate

١٥. وَقَد تَميَّزَ هَذا اليَومُ أَرَّخهُ
بِمَجدِ عيدِ جُلوسٍ عادَ نَذكُرُهُ