1. With you, happiness has graciously brought us joy
The shining star has generously gifted us
١. حَبانا بِكَ الإِسعادُ لُطفاً فَأَبهَجا
وَجادَ فَأَهدى الكَوكَبَ المُتَأجِجا
2. You appeared, so greetings, your exceptional light shines
Embarrassing the cheek of the east until it blushed red
٢. بَدَوتَ فَحيّي نور فَضلك لامِعاً
فَأَخجل خَد الشَرق حَتّى تَضَرَّجا
3. It's not that the sun flames its fire on high
Rather, people have clothed it with dust and clouds
٣. وَما الشَمسُ في عَلياهُ تَضرم نارَها
وَلَكن كَساهُ البشر تَبراً وَزَبرجا
4. Since you rose like the dawn of happiness
It touches the face of the horizon until first light
٤. وَما زالَ فَجر السَعد مُذ لُحتَ مُشرِقاً
يُلامِسُ وَجهَ الأُفقِ حَتّى تَبَلَجا
5. That bright dawn appeared to the land
So I said the dawn of hope appeared to the rain droplets
٥. بَدا ذاكَ الصُبح المُضيءُ عَلى المَلا
فَقُلتُ بَدا للقطر صُبحٌ مِن الرَجا
6. I saw you crowned with perfection
Your body adorned with majesty and glory
٦. رَأَيتُكَ بَدراً بِالكَمال مُكَلَلاً
وِلِلمَجد جِسماً بِالجَلالِ مُتَوَّجا
7. You turned to the goodness of Damascus to greet it
With your gentle traits known in the lands blooming
٧. تَوَلَيتَ بَر الشام تَحيي رُبوعَهُ
بِطيبِ صِفاتٍ في البَلادِ تَأَرجا
8. A thousand gardens cried out joyfully
Echoing thanks with intermingled song
٨. فَصاحَ هزار الرَوض يَصدَحُ بِالهَنا
وَرَدد بِالشُكرِ الغِناءَ المُهَزَّجا
9. You gathered the symbols of wisdom, understanding and intellect
As if you were depicted from the essence of gems
٩. جَمَعتَ شِعار الحَزم وَالفهم وَالذَكا
كَأَنَّكَ قَد صُوِّرتَ مِن جَوهَر الحجا
10. Praises inspired the tongues to eulogy
And stirred the heart of poetry until it was enflamed
١٠. مَحامِدُ الهِجنَ اللِسانَ عَلى الثَنا
وَحَرَّكنَ قَلبَ الشعر حَتّى تَهيجا
11. Your patience has an opinion like an unsheathed sword
When it delves into the night of problems, it flashes
١١. لِحلمك رَأيٌ كَالحسام مُجَرَّدٌ
إِذا خاضَ في لَيل المَشاكل أَسرَجا
12. And a resolve in managing affairs and chastity
With which you opened the path of justice in the universe
١٢. وَعَزمٌ بِتَدبير الأُمور وَعِفَةٌ
فَتَحتَ بِها لِلعَدل في الكَون مَنهَجا
13. And kind glances that pour blessings and contentment
If you ever chanced upon one in need of saving
١٣. وَأَنظار لُطفٍ تَسكُبُ اليمن وَالرِضى
إِذا خَطَرتَ يَوماً عَلى مدنَفٍ نَجا
14. Had you met violence face-to-face
On that great towering mountain it would shake
١٤. وَلَو كُنتَ لِلأرهابِ تَلقى لَواحِظاً
عَلى ذَلِكَ الطود العَظيم تَرجرَجا
15. Oh Rashid who came to guide people as a guide
Clarifying the path like light shining in the darkness
١٥. أَيا راشِداً قَد جاءَ لِلناس مُرشِداً
يُبين الهُدى كَالنور يَسطَع في الدُجا
16. With you, Syria has a supporter and rescuer
To its thresholds, every person has sought refuge
١٦. تَرى بِكَ سوريا نَصيراً وَمُنجِداً
لِأَعتابِهِ كُلُّ إِمرِءٍ لاذَ وَالتَجى