1. Shine your light, do not spare the afflicted
For you are in the universe a cure for melancholy
١. أَسفر بِنورك لا تَشفق عَلى المُقلِ
فَأَنتَ في الكَونِ طراً بَهجَة الملَلِ
2. You are the resolute one who revived people with what
You clarified of the symbols of knowledge and deed
٢. أَنتَ الهمام الَّذي أَحيى الأَنامَ بِما
أَبانَهُ مِن رُموزِ العلمِ وَالعَمَلِ
3. The corners of countries became peaceful thanks to you, so
Among the servants of God there is no dispute
٣. قَرَّت بِفَضلِكَ أَقطار البِلاد فَما
في ذاكَ بَينَ عِباد اللَهِ مِن جَدَلأِ
4. Until you became in the horizon of glory a guiding moon
Without peer, most honorable garments upon it
٤. حَتّى غَدَوتَ بِأُفقِ المَجدِ بَدرَ هُدىً
بِلا نَظير عَلَيهِ أَشرَفَ الحُلَلِ
5. How many resolves did you build, imam of the kingdom,
Lofty like you, far above the example
٥. فَكَم اِبنتَ إِمام المُلكِ مِن هِمَمٍ
عَلياء مثلَكَ قَد جلت عَن المثلِ
6. And how many tribulations did you deflect that you confronted
With wisdom and rationale, not with force and weapons
٦. وَكَم دَفَعتَ خَطوباً كُنتَ تَصدمها
بالحلم وَالعَقل لا بِالبيض وَالأَسَلِ
7. And how much did you give and how many favors did you bestow
And how much did you accomplish and how many flaws did you fix
٧. وَكَم مَنَحتَ وَكَم أَبدَيتَ مِن مِنَنٍ
وَكَم نَجَحتَ وَكَم أَصلَحتَ مِن خَلَلِ
8. You busied yourself with the world, so it is right for it
To entice you in play away from worries
٨. أَشغَلتَ ذاتَكَ بِالدُنيا فَحَقَّ لَها
أَن تَستميلَكَ في مَلهىً عَن الشُغلِ
9. It is just to give yourself what you gave of prosperity
To the commoner from ease of living
٩. مِن العَدالَةِ أَن تُعطي لِنَفسِكَ ما
أَعطَيتُهُ مِن رَفاهِ الحالِ لِلمَلَلِ
10. For you are the most high, the furthest extent, and the whole universe
And the age, so face the world at your leisure
١٠. لَكَ العُلى وَالمَدى وَالكَون أَجمَعَهُ
وَالعَصرُ فَاِستَقبَل الدُنيا عَلى مَهَلِ
11. And remember your servants, and encompass them with feeling
For your consideration leaves no disquietude
١١. وَإِذكُر عُبيدَك وَأَشملهُ بِعاطِفَةٍ
إِن التفاتكَ لا يُبقي عَلى وَجَلِ
12. Are you not the heart of the universe, singular
Reviver of hearts, healer of illness and afflictions
١٢. أَلَستَ أَنتَ فُؤاد الكَونِ أَوحَدَهُ
مُحيي القُلوب مُزيل الداء وَالعِلَلِ
13. For God's sake you are among the lofty ones an unwavering
Highly determined man, who does not waver or stumble
١٣. لِلّهِ دَرُّكَ في العَلياءِمِن رَجُلٍ
عالي العَزيمَة لا يَلوي عَلى رجلِ
14. The wanderer glance at you
As an arrow of truth in a palm tree of hope
١٤. يَراعك الشارِدُ النَهلان نَنظرُهُ
سَهماً مِن الحَقِّ في كَفٍّ مِن الأَمَلِ
15. He says to the sword if his comrade envies him
Fall short of us, for seriousness is not jest
١٥. يَقولُ لِلسَيفِ إِن جاراهُ عَن حَسَدٍ
أَقصر عَناكَ فَلَيسَ الجَدُ كَالهَزَلِ
16. And in your right hand is the blade of the trenchant, for it
Earnestness, and you are an imam to the generous
١٦. وَفي يَمينكَ سَيفٌ ذو الفَقارِ لَهُ
جِدٌّ وَأَنتَ إِمامٌ لِلكِرامِ عَلى
17. When it is unsheathed no hero remains
As if in its blade is the harbor of death
١٧. إِذا تَجَرَد لا يَبقى عَلى بَطَلٍ
كَأَنَّ في صَفحتيهِ مكمن الأَجَلِ
18. You have a smile by which wounds are healed, and by it
The dawn of the universe was delighted and bashful
١٨. لَكَ اِبتِسامٌ بِهِ تَشفي الجِراحُ وَمَن
بِهاهُ راحَ صَباحُ الكَون في خَجَلِ
19. And a gentle hand, I said the spirit of comfort was its element
By which people became like the complacent drinker
١٩. وَرقةٌ قُلتُ روح الراح عُنصرَها
أَضحى بِها الخَلقُ مِثلَ الشارِبِ الثَمِلِ
20. Yours is the praise, the people of earth unfurled
The flags of your glory over plain and mountain
٢٠. لَكَ الثَنا إِن أَهل الأَرض قَد نَشَرَت
أَعلام مَدحِكَ فَوقَ السَهل وَالجَبَلِ
21. And the fingers of glory drew in the eminent
With its light your name preserved forever
٢١. وَأَنمل المَجد في العَلياءِ قَد رَسَمَت
بِنورِها إِسمَكَ مَحفوظاً إِلى الأَزَلِ