1. Your farewell in hearts has kindling
And your love in their secrets, belief
١. وَداعُكَ في القُلوبِ لَهُ اِتِقادُ
وَحُبَّكَ في سَرائِرِها اِعتِقادُ
2. So you have bestowed good upon the servants
And for your love, the servants have become enraptured
٢. فَأَنتَ عَلى العِبادِ أَفَضتَ خَيراً
فَهامَت في مَحبتكَ العِبادُ
3. Your beauty in the countries has remembrance
Beautiful, not forgotten by the countries
٣. جَميلَكَ في البِلادِ لَهُ إِذدِكارٌ
جَميلٌ لَيسَ تَنساهُ البِلادُ
4. Your hands which have been magnified over them
With the letters of its gratitude, the inanimate came to life
٤. أَياديكَ الَّتي عَظمت عَلَيها
بِأَحرُفِ شُكرِها اِنتَقَشَ الجَمادُ
5. Towards righteousness you have related, and you are its patron
For your light at the highest, guidance has affiliation
٥. إِلي رُشدٍ نَسَبتَ وَأَنتَ مَولىً
لِنورِكَ في العُلى اِنتَسَبَ الرَشادُ
6. You have encompassed all with kindness and gentleness
And for every glory, you are the pillar
٦. شَمَلتَ الكُلُ بِالإِحسان لُطفاً
وَأَنتَ لِكُلُ مَكرُمَةٍ عِمادُ
7. Towards the abode of happiness you have striven
So I said to my companions, happiness has appeared
٧. إِلى دار السَعادَةِ قُمتَ تَسعى
فَقُلتُ لِصحبَتي بانَت سُعادُ
8. With its high horizons it makes you shine like a full moon
Gladdening with its right ascent, the hearts
٨. بِعالي أُفقِها تَجلوكَ بَدراً
يسرُّ بِيمن مَطلَعِهِ الفُؤادُ
9. For you is happiness in the journey, a companion
Its outpouring accompanies it, and thankfulness is provision
٩. لَكَ الاسعادُ في المَسرى رَفيقٌ
تُصاحِبُ فَيضُهُ وَالشُكرُ زادُ
10. Return with blessings to the Most High, illuminated
Over the world, for the final abode has beautified
١٠. فَعُد بِاليَمَن لِلعَليا مُنيراً
عَلى الدُنيا فَقَد حسن المَعادُ
11. And do not forget your intimate servant, your slave
Bound by attachment and affection
١١. وَلا تَنسى خَليلَ عُلاكَ عَبداً
يقيدهُ التَعَلُقُ وَالوِدادُ