1. Return to glory, O heart, a heart
A pillar for the nation, a pillar for the country
١. عُد لِلمَعالي يا فُؤادُ فُؤاداً
لِلمَلك رُكناً لِلبِلاد عِمادا
2. Like the sun after moving through the heights
It makes its way to the highest mansion
٢. كَالشَمس مِن بَعد التَنَقُل في العُلى
تَقضي إِلى البُرجِ العَليّ معادا
3. This is the auspicious day for it
Brought us joys and delights
٣. هَذا هُوَ اليَوم السَعيد فَإِنَّهُ
أَهدى لَنا الأَفراح وَالأَسعادا
4. Happiness has overflowed the cosmos on it
It has spread and made even the inanimate dance
٤. طَفحت عَلى الأَكوانِ فيهِ مَسَرَةٌ
عَمَت فَأَطرَبَت الجَمادَ فَمادا
5. You used to hoard every distress
But you rose to declare calamities invalid
٥. قَد كُنتَ مُدَّخِراً لِكُلِ مُلمَةٍ
فَطَلَعتَ تَشهرُ لِلخَطوبِ حدادا
6. The unique, precious essence of his existence
Will always arm those who contain it
٦. وَالجَوهَر الفَرد العَزيز وَجودهُ
أَبَداً يَكون لِمَن حَواهُ عِتادا
7. Repel the darkness of problems with an idea
That has filled the minds of both worlds with guidance
٧. فَازح سَواد المُشكِلات بِفكرَةٍ
مَلَأت عُقول العالَمين رَشادا
8. And repel the stubbornness of the raging with determination
That if it clashed with the course of time, it would annihilate it
٨. وَاِدفَع عِناد الجامِحين بِهَمَةٍ
لَو صادَمَت صَرف الزَمان لَبادا
9. You are the one whose guidance, integrity
And struggle has erased corruption and corruption
٩. أَنتَ الَّذي بِرَشادِهِ وَسَدادِهِ
وَجِهادِهِ محق الفَساد فَسادا
10. You are the one kings have rallied around
And the universe has called out your praise
١٠. أَنتَ الَّذي اِلتَفَّت عَلَيكَ بِنو المَلا
وَالكَون أَجمَعَهُ بِمَدحِكَ نادى
11. You are the one whose words when they are revealed
Become guides for the actions of kings
١١. أَنتَ الَّذي كَلِمات فيكَ إِذا سَرَت
كانَت لِأَعمال المُلوك قِيادا
12. You have the greatest blessing on the forehead of the age
Which has crowned your beauty with glory
١٢. لَكَ في جَبين العَصر أَعظَم مِنَّةٍ
قَد طَوَقَت بِجَميلَكَ الأَجيادا
13. A glance from your eye enlivens hearts
And if you wish, you shake mountains
١٣. تُحيي القُلوب لحاظ طَرفك إِن تَشا
وَإِذا أَرَدتَ تَزعزع الأَطوادا
14. God has granted victory to our King, so his beauty
Revived spirits domestically and animated them
١٤. نَصرَ الإِلَهُ مَليكَنا فَجَميلَهُ
في الداخِلية أَنعَشَ الأَكبادا
15. His features have revived it as his gallantry
Has draped the foreign sphere with generosity
١٥. أَحيي مَعالِمُها كَما بِفوادِهِ
أَرخَتهُ لِلخارِجِيَةِ جادا