1. Is it the bell of sorrow or the chime of joy
That has stirred my heart in the hills?
١. أَرنةُ الحُزنِ أَم ذي رَنَة الطَرَبِ
فَقَد أَهاجَ صَداها القَلب في لجب
2. Messages from Egypt to Syria have flown
With news of grief or glee, I cannot tell
٢. لِلشام مِن مَصر قَد سارَت هَواتِفُها
بِالنَعي أَو بِالهَنا لَم أَدرِ لا وَأَبي
3. Has a wedding taken place to beat its drums?
Or alas, my heart, has the dirge of war begun?
٣. هَل دار عُرسٌ بِها دَقَت بَشائِرُهُ
أَم قامَ يا وَيح قَلبي مَأتَم الحَربِ
4. I seek my Lord to learn the tidings
And bid the noble kin speak out and clear the mist
٤. فَأقصد رَبي نَيلَها مُستَعلِماً خَبَراً
وَنادَ عَني كرام الحَيِّ عَن كَثَبِ
5. Tell me, what is behind you and why are you distracted?
Why have you gathered in the abode for no cause?
٥. قُل ما وَراكُم وَماذا هَبَّ يَشغلكم
وَما لَجمعِكُم في الربع مِن سَبَب
6. Has your full moon risen in the horizon brightly?
Or has it set, O people, shrouded in dust?
٦. هَل لاحَ بَدرَكُم في الأُفقِ مُنجَلِياً
أَم دَكَ مُحتَجِباً يا قَوم في التُربِ
7. My pledge to him was to reach perfection, so why
Is he who was sublime now fallen from grace?
٧. عَهدي بِهِ بالِغاً عَهدَ التَمام فَما
بالَ المُحلق دَهاهُ اليَوم بِالعَطبِ
8. By God, where is the esteemed youth? Where has he gone?
Where did he fall? Where did the hand of fate cast him?
٨. بِاللَهِ أَينَ الفَتى المَحمود أَينَ مَضى
أَينَ اِنثَنى أَينَ أَلقَتهُ يَدُ النوبِ
9. By God, when the news of his death spread
I wept until the east almost shone through me
٩. وَاللَهِ أَني وَقَد ضَجَّ النَعيُّ بِهِ
شرقتُ بِالدَمعِ حَتّى كادَ يُشرِقُ بي
10. I have become, O people, a ruin from his ruin
A corpse stirred in agony and restless grief
١٠. أَصبَحتُ يا قَوم مَصروعاً لِمَصرَعِهِ
مَيِتاً تَحَرَّكَ في الام مُضطَرِبِ
11. Take my sanity, for madness has taken its place
Rebuke my heart for not melting away
١١. خُذوا رَشادي فَسكري حَلَّ مَوضِعَهُ
يَأساً وَلُوموا فُؤادي كَيفَ لَم يَذُبِ
12. Tear out my vitals, for I cannot protect them
From sorrow and distress after him
١٢. وَمَزقوا مَهجَتي إِذ لَستُ أَحفَظَها
مِن بَعدِهِ مَنزِلاً لِلحُزنِ وَالكَربِ
13. I yearn for the branch which the morning breeze had adorned
In its blooming meadow, then the hand of doom snapped
١٣. لَهفي عَلى ذَلِكَ الغُصن الَّذي قَصفت
صَباهُ في رَوضِهِ الزاهي يَدُ النكبِ
14. What heart is not broken, what eye not crying?
He reached, when he walked, a treasure buried
١٤. أَواهُ أَيّ فُؤادٍ غَيرَ مُنكَسِرٍ
وَأَيّ طَرفٍ عَلَيهِ غَير مُنتَحِبِ
15. Under mountains of veil on Al-Muqattam's slope
A slope in which the beautiful patience was buried
١٥. سَفح المُقَطم فيهِ حازَ حينَ سَرى
كَنزاً ثَوي تَحتَ أَثقالٍ مِن الحجبِ
16. With the beautiful face that turned and did not return
The drifting clouds did not know his figure,
١٦. سَفحٌ بِهِ دُفِنَ الصَبر الجَميل مَع
الوَجه الجَميل الَّذي وَلّى وَلَم يَؤُبِ
17. So tears came to sing his song in place of clouds
O bereft father, grieved
١٧. لَم يَعرِف السُحُب الهِتان عارضها
فَجاءَهُ الدَمع يَغنيهِ عَن السُحُبِ
18. By the disasters of fate and its blows
Sorrow has ignited its embers in your heart
١٨. يا أَيُّها الوالِد المَسلوب خاطِرُهُ
بِما جَنى حادِثُ الأَيّام مِن نَوَبِ
19. While you are the joy of the Arabs in the wilderness
How can the Nile quench your thirst on its bank
١٩. قَد أَشعَلَ الحُزن في أَحشاكَ جَمرَتَهُ
وَأَنتَ بَينَ البَرايا بَهجَةُ العَرَبِ
20. You imagined the Nile was made of flames?
You are the generous one whose gifts overflowed
٢٠. لفَم يَروِكَ النيلُ ظَمأناً بضفتِهِ
حَتّى تَوَهَمتَ إِنَّ النيلَ مِن لَهَبِ
21. So time grew greedy and rose up to rob them
What can console you, O paragon of virtue
٢١. أَنتَ الكَريمُ الَّذي فاضَت مَواهِبُهُ
فَاطمع الدَهر حَتّى ثارَ لِلسَلبِ
22. Master of knowledge and literature of the age?
Wait, your branch in the heavenly meadow has appeared
٢٢. بِما أَعزيكَ يا مَن جَلَّ مَعرِفَةً
وَأَنتَ في العَصر رَبُّ الفهم وَالأَدَبِ
23. With angels greeting the most pious of Arabs
And so we in this life for a period
٢٣. مَهلاً فَغُصنُكَ في رَوض السَماءِ بَدا
مَع المَلائِكِ يَحيي بالغ الأَرَبِ
24. Race and run while death hunts us down
Damn the fickle times that in their fluctuations
٢٤. وَهَكذا نَحنُ في الدُنيا إِلى أَمَدٍ
نَسعي وَنَركُض وَالآجالُ في الطَلَبِ
25. Squander life between seriousness and play
٢٥. تَبّاً لِدَهرٍ خَؤونٍ في تَقَلُبِهِ
يَضيعُ العُمر بَينَ الجَدِّ وَاللعبِ