1. The East exults in you, you are its pillar,
And creation is enlightened by you, you are its guide.
١. تَهلَّلَ فيكَ الشَرقُ أَنتَ عِمادُهُ
وَنُوّرَ مِنكَ الخَلقُ أَنتَ رَشادَهُ
2. Are you not the one who initiated this knowledge and wisdom,
And guided the lofty with light, so it shone radiantly?
٢. أَلَستَ الَّذي أَبدى هَذي العلمِ وَالذَكا
وَأَهدى العُلى نوراً فَلاحَ اِتِقادَهُ
3. O excellence of the age, so generous to the masters,
The king of the lofty in it, so his country shone bright.
٣. أَيا جودَةَ العَصرِ الَّذي جادَ لِلمَلا
مَليكُ العُلى فيهِ فباهَت بِلادُهُ
4. I see Aleppo the lustrous sees in you,
A shining star it discerns amongst the dwellings solitary.
٤. أَرى حَلَبَ الشَهباءَ فيكَ تَرى لَها
شِهاباً زَها بَينَ الدَراري اِنفِرادَهُ
5. The Sultan endowed it with you kindly, though your lofty, grand wisdom,
He entrusted weighty affairs without doubt.
٥. حَباها بِكَ السُلطان لُطفاً وَقَد سَما
عَلى حَزمكَ العالي العَظيم اِعتِمادَهُ
6. He sees you in the battle arena, the most honored protector,
With horses surpassing, galloping steeds.
٦. يَراكَ بِمَيدان الفَخار لَكَ الثَنا
أَعَز هَمامٍ سابِقات جِيادِهُ
7. O ocean of knowledge, overwhelming the universe is your merit,
And full moon of understanding, radiant is your guidance.
٧. أَيا بَحرَ علمٍ أَغرَقَ الكَونَ فَضلُهُ
وَيا بَدرَ فهمٍ قَد أَنارَ سَدادَهُ
8. The sword against ignorance destructive regards you,
In you truth is fortified, so you are its pillar.
٨. يَراعَكَ سَيفٌ لِلجَهالَةِ ماحِقٌ
تَشيَّدَ فيهِ الحَق فَهُوَ عِمادُهُ
9. You captured hearts with kindness, bestowing favor,
So which young man's hand could hold their reins?
٩. سَلَبتَ قُلوب الناس بِاللُطفِ مُحسِناً
فَأَيَّ فَتىً ما في يَديكَ قِيادهُ
10. Your friend from afar, yearning for shelter,
Though it eluded his hopes, the wish that drove him.
١٠. خَليل مَعاليكَ البَعيد إِلى الحِما
يَحِنُّ وَلَكن قَد جَفاهُ مُرادَهُ
11. A share with you as guide, he missed out truly,
To a moment adorned when you pitched camp.
١١. لَقد فاتَهُ حَظٌ بِهِ كُنتَ جائِداً
لِربعٍ زَهَت لَما حَلَلتَ مِهادُهُ
12. Shelter within shelter, yesterday gathered you wandering,
At the highest summit, its fire flickering.
١٢. حِماً في حِما قَد ضَمَّكَ الأَمسِ تائِهاً
عَلى الحَمل الأَعلى يَلوحُ اِتِقادُهُ
13. On a day the rebel submitted to you obedient,
And the free willed softened, melting their hearts.
١٣. بِيَومٍ بِهِ العاصي أَطاعَكَ خاضِعاً
وَحَنَّ لِرُؤياكَ الفراةُ فُؤادُهُ
14. If a share eluded me, eluding my wishes,
One day it must return, and revive its chance.
١٤. لَئنَّ فاتَني حَظٌ بِهِ فاتَني المُنى
فَلا بُدَّ يَوماً أَن يَعودَ مَعادُهُ
For my affection does not change with whims,
١٥. فَإِنَّ وِدادي لا يُغَيِّرَهُ النَوى
وَإِن زَماني لا يَدومُ عِنادُهُ