
You have the highest rank, you are the hand of the Most High

لك الصدر في العلياء أنت يد العلى

1. You have the highest rank, you are the hand of the Most High
And the full moon of sublime guidance, pride of the kings

١. لَكَ الصَدرُ في العَلياءِ أَنتَ يَدُ العُلى
وَبَدرُ الهُدى العالي وَفَخرَ بَني المَلا

2. The presidency has come to your eminent self
So I said, it came in its time remembering loyalty

٢. أَتَت نَحوَ عَلياكَ الصَدارَة تَنجَلي
فَقُلتُ أَتَت في عَهدِها تذكرُ الوَلا

3. It is nothing but an affinity and friendship
To your essence, not forgetting the time that has passed

٣. وَما هِيَ إِلا خِلَةٌ وَأَليفَةٌ
لِذاتِكَ لا تَنسى الزَمان الَّذي خَلا

4. And that distance from its horizon was but
A way to renew the meeting that settled

٤. وَما كانَ ذاكَ البُعد عَن أُفقِها سِوى
سَبيلٍ لِتَجديد اللِقاءِ الَّذي حَلا

5. This era called you, the first suitor
To its sublime ambitions, so you have always been loyal

٥. دَعَتكَ بِهَذا العَصر أَولَ خاطِبٍ
لِهام مَعاليها فَلا زِلتَ أَوَلا

6. With your essence, the whole universe hoped
That in this era, it would entrust and depend on you

٦. بِذاتك هامَ الكَون أَجمَع أَنَّهُ
عَلَيكَ بِهَذا العَصر أَمَّ وَعَولا

7. You combined the motto of forbearance and wisdom, just as
You raised the beacon of knowledge and understanding, so it shone

٧. جَمَعتَ شِعارَ الحِلم وَالحَزم مِثلَما
رَفَعتَ مَنارَ العِلمِ وَالفهم فَاِنجَلى

8. Prudence looks after you in your prosperity
So the sea of truth has been a spring for it

٨. يَراعكَ في يُمناك جَردَهُ الهُدى
فَكانَ لَهُ بَحر الحَقيقَةِ منهَلا

9. The world was intoxicated, its ink
Robbed minds of a certain yearning

٩. لَقَد أَسكَر الدُنيا كانَّ مِدادَهُ
وَقَد سَلَبَ الأَلبابَ نَوعٌ مِن الطَلا

10. It began spewing lawful magic and quenched
The wisdom of the honorable with a secret, so it amazed

١٠. بَدا يَنفُث السِحر الحَلال وَقَد رَوى
عَن الحِكمَة الغَراء سِرّاً فَأَذهَلا

11. And if the era of prophethood had not yet passed
I would have said, revelation has descended upon it

١١. وَلَم يَكُن عَصر النُبوةِ قَد مَضى
لِقُلتُ عَلَيهِ أَصبَحَ الوَحيُ مَنزِلا

12. It substitutes for the polished sword in times of strife
So it shouts do not raise your hands to

١٢. يَنوبُ عَن السَيف الصَقيل لَدى الوَغى
فَيَهتُف لا تَلقوا بِأَيديكُم إِلى

13. Oh delicate body clothed in dignity
And oh ambition crowned with pride

١٣. أَيا جسم لُطفٍ بِالوَقارِ قَد اِكتَسى
وَيا هام مَجدٍ بِالفَخارِ تَكَللا

14. Through you now the country has revived, our King
The illuminator of the glorious ether, may his supremacy last

١٤. بِكَ الآن قَد أَحيى البِلاد مَليكَنا
مُنيرُ أَثيرِ المَجد دامَ لَهُ العُلى

15. The land prospered, it welcomed him, and he came
To his high position, trusted with the nation

١٥. فَسَعد البَرايا أَرخوهُ بَدا وَقَد
أَتى صَدرَهُ العالي أَميناً عَلي المَلا