
I came to you from afar, singing praises

أتيتك عن بعد المدى أنشد الحمدا

1. I came to you from afar, singing praises
So rejoice, if you have singled me out among men as a servant

١. أَتَيتَكَ عَن بُعدِ المَدى أَنشِدُ الحَمدا
فَبُشرايَ إِن خَصصتني في المَلا عَبدا

2. You have ransomed me from a Lord who honors His men
The likes of me ransom, and the likes of you are ransomed

٢. فَدَيتَكَ مِن مَولىً يَعِزُّ رِجالُهُ
فَمِثلي مِن يُفدي وَمِثلُكَ مَن يَفدى

3. I saw you as a body of wisdom and intellect
Adorned with reverence, cloaked in glory

٣. رَأَيتُكَ جِسماً لِلفَطانَةِ وَالذَكا
تَكَلل بِالإِجلال وَاِتشَحَ المَجدا

4. This universe calls you righteous, for it
Has learned the essence of your wisdom and righteousness

٤. يُناديكَ هَذا الكَون رُشدي لِأَنَّهُ
تَلَقَّنَ مِن أَسرار حِكمَتِكَ الرُشدا

5. You rose over the abode of prosperity like a shining star
Radiant on its horizon, bestowing happiness

٥. طَلَعت عَلى دار السَعادَةِ كَوكَباً
بَدا لامِعاً في أُفقِها يَمنَحُ السَعدا

6. Kindness flowed in the world, wanting protection for it
So your light shone for it, and it found guidance

٦. سَرى اللُطفُ في الدُنيا يُريدُ لَهُ حِماً
فَلاحَت لَهُ أَنوار ذاتِكَ فَاِستَهدى

7. In your loftiness, pride found refuge, for you have long
Exerted yourself to establish its pillars

٧. بِعُلياكَ لاذَ الفَخر أَنكَ طالَما
بَذَلتَ عَلى تَشييد أَركانِهِ الجُهدا

8. Are you not the one who guided with his pens of guidance
And exalted by his feet the sword and the army?

٨. أَلَستَ الَّذي أَهدى بِأَقلامِهِ الهُدى
وَعَظَّمَ في أَقدامِهِ السَيفَ وَالجُندا

9. The light of glory gleams in the heights in your sword
The sword of truth watches over you, making prisoners of enemies

٩. حُسامَكَ نور المَجد يَسطَعُ في العُلى
يراعكَ سَيف الحَق يَستَأسِرُ الإِعدا

10. A state intoxicating minds in its motions
As if, in it, were youth and nectar

١٠. حَلا يُسكِرُ الأَلباب في حَرَكاتِهِ
كانَّ عَلى فيهِ السَلافَةَ وَالشَهدا

11. The King of the Earth called you in the expanse of his realm
So I said: The unique essence called in His resolve

١١. دَعاكَ مَليك الأَرض في أُفق مُلكِهِ
فَقُلتُ دَعا في حَزمِهِ الجَوهَرُ الفَردا

12. Thus sovereignty returned to your loftiness, unveiled
So I said: Loyal company has come to recall the pact

١٢. فَعادَت لِعُلياكَ الصَدارة تَنجَلي
فَقُلتُ أَتَت ذات الوَفا تُذكِرُ العَهدا

13. The Sultan gave us good tidings: "Rejoice in what
You see of the justice that has long brought goodness"

١٣. فَقالَ لَنا السُلطان بُشرى لَكُم بِما
تَرونَ مِن العَدلِ الَّذي طالَما أَجدى

14. "My forbearance quenches you, and my shade covers you
It covers, and my benevolence overflows, providing you tranquility

١٤. فَحِلمي يَرويكُم وَظِلي عَلَيكُم
يَظَلُّ وَإِحساني يَفيضُ لَكُم رَغدا

15. And my integrity, I have unfurled it in the expanse of the realm
I call it to myself as a bosom, and my bosom contains integrity"

١٥. وَرُشدي بِأُفقِ المُلكِ أَرختهُ بِهِ
أَناديهِ لي صَدراً وَصَدري حَوى الرُشدا