
You now have the heights of glory in view

لك في المعالي الآن مطلع عزة

1. You now have the heights of glory in view
And from the blessed overflow, a spring of bounty.

١. لَكَ في المَعالي الآن مَطلَعُ عِزَّةِ
وَمِنَ المَفيضِ السَعدِ منبعُ نِعمَةِ

2. You continue to attain happiness supremely
At the highest of ranks, abounding in delight.

٢. لا زِلتَ تَظفُرُ بِالسَعادَةِ بِالِغاً
أَوجَ المَراتِبِ رافِلاً بِالبَهجَةِ

3. You walked the path of humility
And ascended, climbing to the most noble station.

٣. فَقَد اِتَّضَعَتَ عَلى الوَداعَةِ سالِكاً
فَصَعدتَ مُرتَقياً لا شَرَفِ رُتبَةِ

4. You did your work well with friendship and guidance
So you won, in benevolence, the greatest state.

٤. أَحسَنتَ سَعيَكَ بِالصَداقَةِ وَالهُدى
فَظَفَرتَ في إِحسانِ أَعظَمِ دَولَةِ

5. In you, latent grace lay hidden
So you rose to the highest with the greatest finery.

٥. فيكَ اِنطَوى اللُطفُ الخَفيُّ مُحجَّباً
فَظَهَرتَ لِلعَليا بِأَعظَمِ حِلَّة

6. For your beloved homeland, you built glories
And excelled in generosity among the nation.

٦. شَيَّدتَ لِلوَطنِ العَزيز مَفاخِراً
وَاِمتَزتَ بِالإِفضالِ بَينَ المِلَّةِ

7. In the abode of Damascus, your memory is eternal
From it, sweet fragrance exhales each evening.

٧. لَكَ في رُبى الشَهباءِ ذِكرٌ دائِمٌ
مِنهُ يَفوحُ الطَيبُ كُلُ عَشيَةِ

8. And in Latakia, your splendid deeds are many
For which you are praised with utmost sincerity.

٨. وَمَآثِرٌ في اللاذِقِية جَمَّةٌ
يَثنى عَلَيكَ بِها بِأَخلَص نَيَّةٍ

9. And atop lofty Lebanon, you have outstanding merit
Above the loftiest, proclaiming blessing.

٩. وَعَلى عُلى لُبنان فَضلٌ شامِخٌ
فَوقَ الشَوامِخِ مُعلِنٌ بِالمنَّةِ

10. And on Beirut's horizon, your brilliance has risen
Lighting up eyes, dispelling all gloom.

١٠. وَبِأُفقِ بَيروتٍ شُعاعَكَ قَد سَما
يَجلو العُيونَ يَزيلُ كُلُ دَجنَّةِ

11. There, you built praiseworthy things as required
To immortalize your memory in people's hearts.

١١. فيها اِبنَتَ مِن المَحامِدِ ما اِقتَضى
تَخليدَ ذِكرِكَ في قُلوبِ الأُمَّةِ

12. If you depart in fortune and joy
For us, your absence causes utmost torment.

١٢. إِن كُنتَ تَرحَل بِالسَعادَةِ وَالسَنى
فَبَنا لِبُعد ضِياكَ أَعظَمُ حرقَةِ

13. For you, in your place, there is bliss and luxury
And for your friend, sorrow upon sorrow.

١٣. لَكَ في مَقامِكَ بَهجَةٌ وَتَنعُّمٌ
وَعَلى خَليلكَ حَسرَةٌ في حَسرَةِ

14. What arose between gladness and grief
Complains and gives thanks, praising the divine decree.

١٤. قَد قامَ ما بَينَ المَسَرَّةِ وَالأَسى
يَشكو وَيَشكُر حامِداً لِلقُدرَةِ

15. When our king saw you as a man of resolve
Who could comfort hearts by resolving each dilemma,

١٥. لَما راءَكَ مَليكَنا ذا هِمَّةٍ
تَشفي الفُؤاد بِكَشفِ كُلِّ ملَّمةِ

16. He appointed you in noble Jerusalem held dear
O epitome of praised and famed virtue!

١٦. وَلّاكَ في القُدسِ الشَريف مُعظَّماً
يا كَعبَةَ الفَضلِ الحَميدِ الشهرَةِ

17. And now the servants proclaim throughout
I am guardian of the invincible sanctuary, with might!

١٧. وَغَدا يُنادي بِالعِباد مُؤَرِّخاً
أَنا حارِسُ الحَرَمِ المَنيعِ بِعزَّةِ