1. The advisor of the sword and pen arose
And a minister appeared with wise advice
١. لِلسَيفِ وَالأَقلامِ قامَ مُشيرُ
وَبَدا وَزيرٌ بِالرَشادِ مُشيرُ
2. With Darwish's sword, peace is strengthened
And Rashid considers well the guide of Saud
٢. فَبِسَيف دَرويش السَلامُ موطِدٌ
وَيَراع راشد لِلسَعود مَديرُ
3. This one extends his palm to the soldiers
As a blessing, and that one illuminates the land
٣. هَذا إِلى الأَجناد يَهدي كَفُّهُ
يمنا وَهَذا لِلبِلاد يُنيرُ
4. A hero whose banner of victory is over his troops
Ascends, and a loyal one to the king, highborn
٤. بَطَلٌ لِواءُ النَصر فَوقَ جُنودِهِ
يَعلو وَوالٍ لِلمَليك سَميرُ
5. Two moons that rose in the highest spheres
With them, joy poured over the cosmos
٥. قَمران قَد طَلَعا بِأَفلاكِ العُلى
بِهُما عَلى الأَكوان فاضَ سُرورُ
6. Guaranteeing goodness for Damascus in full
Its territory prospered and shone
٦. ضِمناً لِبر الشام كُل سَعادَةٍ فَزَها
وَباهى قُطرَها المَعمورُ
7. So drink toasts to them in the evening
Two by two, three by three, as they go around
٧. فَاِشرَب بِذكرِهِما الكُؤوسَ عَشيَّةً
مَثنى ثَلاث رِباع وَهِيَ تَدورُ
8. Hasten to the cups, it's not a sin in their brims
O companion, they contain no wines
٨. بادر إِلى الأَقداحِ لَيسَ بِرَشفِها
يا صاحِ إِثمٌ ما بِهُنَّ خُمورُ
9. Rather, they circled virtuous Ibrahim
And Rashid makes purity turn
٩. لَكِنَّها الطاف إِبراهيم قَد دارَت
وَراشد لِلصَفاءِ يُديرُ
10. O you two seas, your call
Flooded the land with its abundance
١٠. يا أَيُّها البَحرانِ إِن نَداكُما
وَجه البِلادِ بِفَيضِهِ مَغمورُ
11. Do not ask me to repay your right
For my range falls short of that
١١. لا تَطلُبا إِيفاءَ حَقَّ ثَناكُما
مني فَباعي دونَ ذاكَ قَصيرُ