1. You draw near to me and yet recoil at your call
And flee if I approach to meet you
١. تجاورني وَتَنفُر في نَداكا
وَتَهرُبُ إِن دَنَوتُ إِلى لُقاكا
2. You babble unintelligibly, though I do not know
What you say when your weeping troubles me
٢. تَبَربر أَعجَميّاً لَستُ أَدري
كَلامَكَ حَيثُ أَزعَجَني بُكاكا
3. Woe to you, O raven of separation! What is
Behind you that has befallen you?
٣. فَوَيحَكَ يا غُرابُ البَينُ ماذا
وَراءَكَ أَيُّ شَيءٍ قَد عَراكا
4. You mention troubles in your elegy
And dismiss them when I seek release
٤. تَقَرَّبُ في نَعيّكَ مُشكِلاتٍ
وَتُبعِدُها إِذا رُمت الفَكاكا
5. You ask for my tears by the Nile
As if its flooding were not enough to water you
٥. وَتَطلُب في جِوار النيل دَمعي
كانَّ الفَيض لَم يَكفِ إِرتواكا
6. You gesture northward in agitation
So the south grows dark for me at your call
٦. تُشيرُ إِلى الشَمال عَلى إِضطِرابٍ
فَيَظلُم بي الجُنوبُ لَدى نِداكا
7. You have tarried, woe to you, wandering,
To tell me of lightning flashes and thunder
٧. لَقَد أَبطَأتَ وَيحَكَ مُستَطيراً
تُخبِرُني بِطارِقَةٍ وَراكا
8. Yet we are the lightning, served in our time
By which your jesting now makes us laugh
٨. وَنَحنُ البَرقُ يَخدمنا بِعَصرٍ
بِهِ قَد صارَ يُضحِكُنا سَراكا
9. You have made the branches in my eyes
A prison I cannot bear to stir in
٩. جَعَلتَ الاَزبَكية في عُيوني
كَسجنٍ لا أُطيقُ بِهِ الحِراكا
10. As if their branches were a brutal night
Enshrouding and bewildering me
١٠. كَأَنَّ غُصونَها لَيلٌ بَهيمٌ
تَغَشاني فَحَيَرني إِرتِباكا
11. While my pact with the turtledove protected me
Flirting with me in your despite
١١. وَعَهدي بِاليَمامَةِ في حِماها
تُغازِلُني عَلى أَمنٍ عِداكا
12. Yet you took her place, most wretched substitute,
Most wicked companion, stumbling in your step
١٢. فَقُمتَ مَكانَها أَشقى بَديلٍ
وَأَخبَث صاحِبٍ عَثَرت خُطاكا
13. You point to the turtledove, though she lies slain
By the talon of a swooping foe who set his trap
١٣. تُشيرُ إِلى اليَمامة وَهِيَ صَرعى
بمخلب خاطِفٍ نَصبَ الشِراكا
14. Wounded, her reason took flight in grief
More wretched than your weeping
١٤. مُصابٌ قَد أَطارَ الرُشدَ حُزناً
فَكانَ أَشَدَّ بُؤساً مِن بُكاكا
15. Unless, O man of purpose, an arrow from you
Melted our hearts when you took aim
١٥. إِلا يا أَيُّها الرَجُلُ المَعنّى
أَذابَ قُلوبَنا سَهمٌ رَماكا
16. So I am not, O Suleiman, sound of mind
When I stand awestruck at what you have unleashed
١٦. فَما أَنا يا سَليمُ سَليمُ عَقلٍ
إِذا شَخصتُ هَولاً قَد دَهاكا
17. A stranger, you have maddened a stranger
In a house from which you have deprived yourself of clarity
١٧. غَريبٌ قَد جَنَنتَ عَلى غَريبٍ
بِدارٍ قَد حَرَمتَ بِها صَفاكا
18. Fate has now turned on you, though long you rode high
Taking the most precious thing from your riches
١٨. سَطا فَجَنى عَلَيكَ الآن دَهرٌ
مَضى بِأَعَز شَيءٍ مِن جِناكا
19. It fled perfidiously with the rose of your youth
Concealing the beloved who stole your passion
١٩. مَضى غَدراً بِوَردِ صِباكَ يَخفي
حَبيبتكَ الَّتي سَلَبَت نُهاكا
20. She was a rose without thorns
Yet thorns became grief in your concerns
٢٠. وَكانَت وَردَةً مِن غَير شَوكٍ
فَكانَ الشَوك حُزناً في حَشاكا
21. Maha of Damascus, where have you buried her
In the land of the Russians, with no release?
٢١. مَهاة الشام أَين دَفنتُموها
بِأَرض الروس لا تَجد اِنفِكاكا
22. I see Lebanon calling to her longingly
For a valley in Hama where she was protected
٢٢. أَرى لُبنان يَدعوها مُشَوِقاً
لِوادٍ في حِماهُ بِهِ حِماكا
23. But there is no hope, no answer
Except the echo's return, so shorten your wailing
٢٣. وَلَكن لا رجاءَ وَلا مُجيبٌ
سِوى رَجع الصَدى فَأقصر عَناكا
24. Show fortitude and seek God's help to revive
A heart whose only wish was to meet you
٢٤. تَجَلد وَاَستَعن بِاللَهِ تَحيي
فُؤاداً كُل بَغيتهِ لُقاكا
25. Do not in weakness fall before fate
For with it you have long grappled
٢٥. وَلا تَسقط أَمام الدَهر ضُعفاً
فَإِنَّكَ قَد أَطَلتَ لَهُ عِراكا
26. This life is but delusion, in which
Men blunder about, tangled together
٢٦. فَما هَذي الحَيوة سِوى غَرورٍ بِهِ
الأَنام تَختبط اشتِباكا
27. So be steadfast in truth and wise guidance
Let not misguidance rise above your prudence
٢٧. فَكُن بِالحَقِّ مُعتَصِماً رَشيداً
وَلا يَعلو الضَلالُ عَلى ذَكاكا