1. O my Islam, no blame is mine today, O Fatima
Nor ever, while your bond endures eternal
١. أَلا يا اسْلَمِي لا صُرْمَ لِي اليومَ فاطِما
ولا أَبَداً ما دامَ وَصْلُكِ دائِما
2. The Bakri's daughter aimed you from a straying branch
While with us are bashful she-camels, calmly grazing
٢. رَمتْكِ ابْنَةُ البَكْرِيِّ عَنْ فَرْعِ ضالَةٍ
وهُنَّ بِنا خُوصٌ يُخَلْنَ نَعائِما
3. She saw us the day we left, at a flowing stream
Of sweet slopes, where clouds had not gathered
٣. تَراءَتْ لَنا يومَ الرَّحيلِ بِوارِدٍ
وعَذْبِ الثَّنايا لم يَكُنْ مُتَراكِما
4. My love gave her drink from a wineskin
Drawing it cooled from the sun in a chalice
٤. سَقاهُ حَبِيُّ المُزْنِ في مُتَهدِّلٍ
مِنَ الشَّمسِ رَوَّاهُ رَباباً سَواجِما
5. She saw you by that straying one, taking refuge
And a flowing cheek, soft as smooth sand
٥. أَرَتْكَ بِذاتِ الضَّالِ منها مَعاصِماً
وخَدّاً أَسِيلاً كالوَذِلَةِ ناعِما
6. Yet his heart was firm against her, though the memory
When it came to mind, set the world spinning
٦. صحا قَلْبُهُ عنْها عَلى أنَّ ذِكْرَةً
إذا خَطَرَتْ دارتْ به الأرضُ قائِما
7. Look, my friend, do you see any gazelles
Who went out briskly and climbed the dunes
٧. تبَصَّرْ خَلِيلي هل تَرى مِنْ ظَعائِنٍ
خَرَجْنَ سِراعاً واقْتَعَدْنَ المَفائِما
8. Bearing the heat of the blazing noon after
The day grew hot and they left the meadows
٨. تَحَمَّلْنَ مِنْ جَوِّ الوَرِيعةِ بَعْدَ ما
تَعالى النَّهارُ واجْتَزَعَنْ الصَّرائِما
9. Adorned in ruby, chrysolite, ambergris
And Zafari aloes, paired pearls
٩. تَحَلَّيْنَ ياقُوتاً وشَذءراً وصِيغَةً
وجَزْعاً ظَفارِيّاً ودُرّاً تَوائِما
10. They traveled through the hills, their beauty challenged
They stirred the steeds and crossed the rugged ground
١٠. سَلَكْنَ القُرى والجزْعَ تُحْدى جِمالُهُمْ
ووَرَّكْنَ قَوّاً واجْتَزَعْنَ المَخارِما
O would that we might see a face whose whiteness
١١. أَلا حَبَّذا وَجْهٌ تُرِينا بَياضَهُ
ومُنْسَدِلاتٍ كالمَثانِي واحِما
12. And large dark eyes we might glimpse
Though I feel shame before you hungering
١٢. وإنِّي لأَسْتَحْيِي فُطَيْمةَ جائِعاً
خَمِيصاً وأستحيي فُطَيْمةَ طاعِما
13. In a worn garment, and shame before you filled
I'm shy of you though distance lies between us
١٣. وإنِّي لأَسْتَحْييكِ والخَرْقُ بَيْنَنا
مخافةَ أَنْ تَلْقَيْ أَخاً لِيَ صارِما
14. Fearing you'll meet a kinsman of mine harsh
Though my armor is pierced by arrows
١٤. وإنِّي وإِنْ كَلَّتْ قَلُوصِي لَراجِمٌ
بِها وبنَفْسي يا فُطَيْمَ المَراجِما
15. By it and myself, O Fatima of piercing arrows
Fatima, love pardons wrongs
١٥. أَفاطِمَ إنَّ الحُبَّ يَعْفُو عن القِلى
ويُجْشِمُ ذا العِرْضِ الكرِيم المَجاشِما
16. And spares the noble, honorable soul
O my Islam, by the bright star, Fatima
١٦. أَلا يا اسْلَمي بالكَوْكَبِ الطَّلْقِ فاطِما
وإِنْ لم يَكُنْ صَرْفُ النَّوى مُتَلائِما
17. Though the course of fate is not aligned
O my Islam, know my only need
١٧. ألا يا اسْلَمي ثمَّ اعْلَمِي أَنَّ حاجَتِي
إليكِ فَرُدِّي مِنْ نَوالِكِ فاطِما
18. Is yours, so grant me from your bounty, Fatima
Fatima, if all women were in one land
١٨. أَفاطِمَ لَوْ أَنَّ النِّساءَ بِبَلْدَةٍ
وأَنْتِ بأُخْرَى لاتَّبَعْتُكِ هائِما
19. And you in another, I would roam distraught
Whenever love desires, it severs its friend
١٩. متى ما يَشأْ ذُو الوُدِّ يَصْرِمْ خَلِيلَهُ
ويَعْبَدْ عليهِ لا مَحالَةَ ظالِما
20. And robs him, inevitably, unjust
And if one swore an oath, you obeyed him
٢٠. وآلى جَنابٌ حِلْفَةً فأَطعْتَهُ
فَنفْسَكَ وَلِّ اللَّوْمَ إِنْ كُنْتَ لائِما
21. Then blame yourself, if you are to blame
As though the crown of the burning kin
٢١. كأَنَّ عليه تاجَ آلِ مُحَرِّقٍ
بِأَنْ ضَر مَوْلاهُ وأَصْبَحَ سالِما
22. Harmed its lord, and dawned secure
Who meets good, people praise his deed
٢٢. فمن يَلْقَ خَيْراً يَحْمَدِ النَّاسَ أَمْرَهُ
ومن يَغْوِ لا يَعْدَمْ على الغَيِّ لائِما
23. And who strays finds no lack of blamers
Have you not seen a man clench his fist
٢٣. أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ المَرْءَ يَجْذِمُ كفَّهُ
ويَجْشَمُ مِنْ لَوْمِ الصَّدِيقِ المَجاشِما
24. And bite his lip from the rebuke of one who clenches
Is it forbearance that you have become withdrawn
٢٤. أَمِنْ حُلُمٍ أَصْبَحْتَ تَنْكُتُ واجِما
وقَد تَعتَرِي الأَحلامُ مَنْ كانَ نائِما
25. When dreams may beset even one asleep?
The brother who, if adversity afflicts you
٢٥. أخوك الذي إنْ أَحْوَجَتْكَ مُلِمَّةٌ
مِنَ الدَّهْرِ لم يَبْرَحْ لها الدَّهْر واجما
26. From fate, does not cease to confront it
And your brother is not one who, if affairs
٢٦. وليس أَخوك بالذي إنْ تَشَعَّبَتْ
عليكَ أمورٌ ظلّ يلحاك دائما