
Is it from the abode's sketch that the water of your eyes spills

أمن رسم دار ماء عينيك يسفح

1. Is it from the abode's sketch that the water of your eyes spills
Tomorrow, from a dwelling whose people departed and went on an excursion?

١. أَمِنْ رَسْمِ دارٍ ماءُ عَيْنَيكَ يَسْفَحُ
غَدا من مُقامٍ أَهْلُهُ وتَرَوَّحُوا

2. You adorn it with the shy gazelles' young, their smooth coats
Its roots are flowers and roses in the atmosphere and mornings

٢. تُزَجِّي بِها خُنْسُ الظِّباءِ سِخالَها
جَآذِرُها بالجَوِّ وَرْدٌ وأَصْبَحُ

3. Or is it the imagined daughter of Ajlan, the discarded imagination
That coerced my riding camel and made it stagger and waver?

٣. أَمِنْ بِنْتِ عَجْلانَ الخَيالُ المُطَرَّحُ
أَلَمَّ ورَحْلِي ساقِطٌ مُتَزَحْزِحُ

4. When I woke up from the imagination, it startled me
There was my camel, and the horizons became clear

٤. فلمَّا انْتَبَهْتُ بالخَيالِ وراعَنِي
إذا هُوَ رَحْلِي والبِلادُ تَوَضَّحُ

5. But it is falsehood that awakens a sleeper
And stirs passions in your heart that wound

٥. ولكِنَّهُ زَوْرٌ يُيَقِّظُ نائِماً
ويُحْدِثُ أَشْجاناً بقَلْبِكَ تَجْرَحُ

6. In every night that befalls us and every stopover
If only when it makes the night dark, it dawns

٦. بِكُلِّ مَبِيتٍ يَعْتَرِينا ومَنْزِلٍ
فلوْ أَنَّها إذْ تُدْلِجُ اللَّيْلَ تُصْبحُ

7. It turned away after spreading the sights it sees
While my love for it, when tears roll down, does not diminish

٧. فوَلَّتْ وقد بَثَّتْ تباريحَ ما تَرى
ووجْدي بها إذْ تَحْدُرُ الدَّمْعَ أَبْرَحُ

8. A gray coffee, whose aroma is like musk
Is brewed over embers for a while and sipped

٨. وما قَهْوَةٌ صَهْباءُ كالمِسْكِ ريحُها
تُعَلَّى على النَّاجُودِ طَوْراً وتُقْدَحُ

9. She camped in the lowlands of vileness for twenty pilgrimages
Above which a shabby cloak flaps as she takes excursions

٩. ثَوَتْ في سِباءِ الدَّنِّ عِشْرِينَ حِجَّةً
يُطانُ عليها قَرْمَدٌ وتَرَوَّحُ

10. Some Jews who have spread out bought her
Two scoundrels bring her closer to the market for profit

١٠. سَباها رِجالٌ من يَهُودَ تَباعَدُوا
لِجِيلانَ يُدْنيها من السُّوقِ مُرْبِحُ

11. With the most delicious thing in it, when you come visiting
At night, rather, its flavor is more delicious and pure

١١. بأَطْيَبَ مِنْ فيها إذا جئْتَ طارِقاً
منَ اللَّيْلِ بَلْ فُوها أَلَذُّ وأَنْصَحُ

12. We went in the morning, clear as chrysolite, adorned
We folded it for a while, and it is brackish water

١٢. غَدَوْنا بِصافٍ كالعَسِيبِ مُجَلَّلٍ
طويناهُ حِيناً فَهْوَ شِربٌ مُلَوَّحُ

13. A generous, noble horse, no defects in it
Mute, like the color of money, shanks mottled and pockmarked

١٣. أَسِيلٌ نَبِيلٌ ليسَ فيهِ مَعابَةٌ
كُمَيْتٌ كَلَوْنِ الصِّرْفِ أَرْجَلُ أَقْرَحُ

14. The like of it, I come visiting the neighbor coquettishly
And wink secretly: which matter of mine is more profitable?

١٤. على مِثْلِهِ آتِي النَّدِيَّ مُخايِلاً
وأَغْمِزُ سِرّاً أًيُّ أَمْرَيَّ أَرْبَحُ

15. It outruns the chased and catches up with the chaser
And emerges from the narrowness of adversity, wounded

١٥. ويَسْبِقُ مَطْرُوداً ويَلْحَقُ طارِداً
ويَخْرُجُ من غَمِّ المَضِيقِ وَيجْرَحُ

16. You see it, after the studded saddle blankets were
Torn, with the brisk ones' reins, attack

١٦. تَراهُ بِشِكَّاتِ المُدَجِّجِ بَعْدَ ما
تقَطَّعَ أَقْرانُ المُغِيرَةِ يَجْمَحُ

17. I witnessed it in a dreadful raid
Charging the vanguard, a bright sword unsheathed

١٧. شَهِدْتُ بِهِ في غارَةٍ مُسْبَطِرَّةٍ
يُطاعِنُ أُولاها فِئامٌ مُصَبَّحُ

18. As if, from the gazelles, a rock partridge burst forth
When you remind it of firmness, I smell its scent, fragrant

١٨. كما انْتَفَجَتْ منَ الظِّباءِ جَدايَةٌ
أَشَمُّ إذا ذَكَّرْتَهُ الشَّدَّ أَفْيَحُ

19. It collects like the mourning camel, its difficulty peaked
And a deluge stripped it, from beneath, of high ground and dunes

١٩. يَجُمُّ جُمُومَ الحِسْيِ جاشَ مَضِيقُهُ
وجَرَّدَهُ من تَحْتُ غَيْلٌ وأَبْطَحُ