
My neighbor has told me she's soon to depart

آذنت جارتي بوشك رحيل

1. My neighbor has told me she's soon to depart
Early, she openly declared a noble aim

١. آذَنَتْ جارَتِي بِوَشْكِ رَحيلِ
باكِراً جاهَرَتْ بخَطْبٍ جَلِيلِ

2. She decided on leaving when she saw me
Amassing wealth, welcoming nothing unseemly

٢. أَزْمَعَتْ بالفِراقِ لَمَّا رَأَتْنِي
أُتْلِفُ المالَ لا يَذُمُّ دَخِيلي

3. My lady, forty springs shouldn't make you doubt me
I'm heir to glory and paternal grace of soul

٣. ارْبعِي إنَّما يَرِيبُكِ مِنِّي
إرْثُ مجْدٍ وَجِدُّ لُبٍّ أَصِيلِ

4. How strange, I'm stunned by one who ties the knot
Yet time breeds qualms, aggregating dullards' role

٤. عجباً ما عَجِبْتُ لِلْعاقِدِ الما
لِ ورَيْبُ الزَّمانِ جَمُّ الخُبُولِ

5. And loss accrues to whomever fortune
Consigns to misery or eternal reign

٥. وَيضِيعُ الذي يَصِيرُ إليهِ
مِنْ شَقاءٍ أَوْ مُلْكِ خُلْدٍ بجيلِ

6. Relish living, your daily bread is sure
No cool wind blows out candles lit aglow

٦. أَجْمِلِ العيْشَ إِنَّ رِزْقَكَ آتٍ
لا يَرُدُّ التَّرْقِيحُ شَرْوى فَتِيلِ