
He is virtue itself, so virtues cannot be counted,

هو الفضل حتى لا تعد المناقب

1. He is virtue itself, so virtues cannot be counted,
But resolve itself, so that demands seek you,

١. هو الفضل حتى لا تعد المناقب
بل العزم حتى تطلبنك المطالب

2. For man is only capable of what he can do,
And people's ranks are according to their abilities.

٢. وما قد الإنسان إلا اقتداره
أجل وعلى قدر الرجال المراتب

3. The young man established glory's state,
With a leader watching him and chamberlain,

٣. أقام الفتى العرضي للمجد دولة
لها قائد من ناظريه وحاجب

4. Our days have been excused for their sins through it,
And the times smiled at us in penitence.

٤. بها اعتذرت أيامنا عن ذنوبها
وأقبل جاني دهرنا وهو تائب

5. It is led by reason and resolute purpose,
And protected by might and erudite wisdom,

٥. يسددها رأي مع العزم صائب
ويحرسها بأس مع العلم عاطب

6. To aid there is for people health and illness,
And in it there is, as with them, sincere and liar.

٦. وللمدد مثل الناس سقم وصحة
وفه كما فيهم صدوق وكاذب

7. He is entrusted with it, even if he chose to take it off,
He would be inclined to it while lamenting and grieving,

٧. أنيط به حتى لو اختار نزعه
لحن إليه وهو ثكلان نادب

8. And whoever does not fulfil glory's rights,
His fine efforts are blemishes.

٨. ومن لا يوفي للمعالي حقوقها
فإن مساعيه الحسان مثالب

9. Have you not seen how Muhammad acquired it,
As it dragged its train and he dragged it,

٩. ألم ترها كيف اقتناها محمد
تجاذبه أذياله ويجاذب

10. If water were not created for a fresh drinker,
It would never be fresh for him however much he drank

١٠. إذا الماء لم تشتق لشارب عذبها
فلا عذبت يوماً عليه المشارب

11. So he disciplined its rebels and contented its servants,
And for him it made a minister and chamberlain,

١١. فساس طواغيها وراض شماسها
وأضحى له منها وزير وحاجب

12. It contained a mind that seems brilliant in his face,
And its piercing stars gaze at his eyes.

١٢. حوى سؤددا تبدو ذكاء بوجهه
وترنو لعينيه النجوم الثواقب

13. It sets unwilling for the stars' rays a place,
And its like, wherever wonders settled.

١٣. تغرب لا يرضى ذرى النجم موطناً
وأمثاله حيث استقرت غرائب

14. Sublimity called him in yearning, so he responded,
While others called him, so he responded to the charming ladies.

١٤. دعاه العلا شوقاً فلبى وغيره
دعته فلباها النساء الكواعب

15. Whoever loses pleasures gains highness,
And some men's losses are gains.

١٥. ومن يخسر الراحات يكتسب العلا
وبعض خسارات الرجال مكاسب

16. So he came with what enrages the enemy and delights him,
Disasters for a people are gains for a people.

١٦. فآب بما يشجي العدى ويسره
فوائد قوم عند قوم مصائب

17. Let his highness rejoice in an office he long strove for,
Rather, it rejoices that offices contain him,

١٧. ليهن علاه منصب طالما صبا
له بل تهنى إذ حواها المناصب

18. Some people refuse them, so he prevents them, steadfast,
And some know them, so he is open-handed.

١٨. من القوم اما عرضهم فممنع
حصين واما عرفهم فهو سائب

19. Low and high are indebted to him for glory,
And they attribute to them merit, whether late or early,

١٩. يدين له بالمجد دان وشاسع
وينعتهم بالفضل ساع وراكب

20. For through them, or else praise is not said,
Or else desires are not sought.

٢٠. ففيهم وإلا لا تقال مدائح
ومنهم وإلا لا ترام الرغائب

21. To you, leader of merit, from us came
Groups, though they are processions,

٢١. إليك إمام الفضل منا توجهت
كتائب إلا أنهن مواكب

22. Meanings that shame the eye with the magic of their eyes,
And mock it with their plaited strands,

٢٢. معان تعير العين سحر عيونها
وتسخر منها بالعقود الترائب

23. They have strewn their lines amidst the Pleiades,
As the ornaments strewed themselves on the chests.

٢٣. قد انسدلت بين الطروس سطورها
كما انسدلت فوق الصدور الذوائب

24. For them the ardour of yearning is guide and leader
To you, and meeting you is caller and speaker,

٢٤. لها من براح الشوق حاد وقائد
إليك ومن لقياك داع وخاطب

25. Carrying from me congratulations on the office,
Going happily with youth and song.

٢٥. محملة مني الهناء بمنصب
تسير ببشراه الصبا والجنائب

26. So if news of you coming brings me joy,
Estimating that I am absent brings me sorrow.

٢٦. فإن سرني أخبار أنك قادم
فقد ساءني تقدير أني غائب

27. The gulf of longing has widened between us
And the ways to meet have narrowed.

٢٧. قد اتسعت ما بيننا شقة النوى
وضاقت على وجه اللقاء المذاهب

28. So greet the loyal slave with a return
With which he may guide a heart separation made obligatory,

٢٨. فيا للموالى للعبيد بأوبة
ليهدي بها قلب من البعد واجب

29. Hopes may be fulfilled and anguish stilled,
And the sorrowful may rejoice and all smile.

٢٩. وتستد آمال وتسكن لوعة
ويفرح محزون ويبسم قاطب