
Convey to the sons of greed and hopes at the outset

بلغ بني الحرص والآمال مبتديا

1. Convey to the sons of greed and hopes at the outset
That I advise you and the best advice is what benefits

١. بلغ بني الحرص والآمال مبتدياً
بي ان نصحت وخير النصح ما نفعا

2. Ibn Taha's son remains for you in his death a lesson
Smooth, he will not accept excuses and deceptions

٢. أبقى ابن طه لكم في موته عظة
ملساء لن تقبل الأعذار والخدعا

3. He who rises like a star had a brother who was a dog
Preoccupied with wreckage by order of pride

٣. قد كان طلاع انجاد أخا كلبٍ
على الحطام بأمر الفخر مضطلعا

4. The sweetness of the turning of time smiled on him
Increasing from it misfortune whenever he drank

٤. درت حلوبة اقبال الزمان له
يزداد منها أوماً كلما كرعا

5. After committing atrocities he was nothing but
A walker in the morning, his back hunched in the evening

٥. كان بعد ارتكاب الموبقات سوى
سارٍ أغد فجب الظهر فانقطعا

6. By God, I did not neglect to advise the friend about him
And I feared for him intense grief

٦. تاللَه لم آله نصح الرفيق به
وكنت أخشى عليه الأزلم الجزعا

7. So ask his singing girls about him if you pass by them
After this one and that one, what did they do?

٧. فسل مغانيه عنه إن مررت بها
بعد التي واللتيا ما الذي صنعا

8. But God judges with no way to reverse it
And in God's forgiveness lies what has come to pass

٨. لكن اللَه حكما لا مرد له
وان في جنب عفو الله ما وقعا