1. In every day there is longing and yearning,
And from every canyon, separation lies in wait,
١. أفي كل يوم لوعة وحنين
ومن كل فج للفراق كمين
2. And every road is thus rough without you,
Yet for you, roads that lead to you are easy.
٢. وكل طريق هكذا عنك موعر
فلي طرق كانت إليك تهون
3. I have fulfilled periods in suffering, and covenants withered,
Promises failed, O Buthaina, hopes were deceived.
٣. تقضت عهود باللوى وتصرمت
وعود وخابت يا بثين ظنون
4. So I turned away from the one I had covenanted with and parted,
Intending exile that will not end nor cease.
٤. وولت لذا ذات عهدت وأسفرت
نوى غربة لا تقضى وشطون
5. As if you did not know that conversation between us,
Nor tied that covenant, nor violated those pacts after us,
٥. كأن لم تدر تلك المناجاة بيننا
ولا هصرت ذاك القوام يمين
6. Nor did clouds pour down rain in them.
It is up to me to rouse my resolve for this matter,
٦. ولا اخضلت تلك المعاهد بعدنا
ولا هطلت فيها سحائب جون
7. For which bare rock and tender valley cry out,
And a deep well whose water ebbs, its force weakens -
٧. عليّ لهذا الخطب أيقاظ همة
يضج لها صلد الصفا ويلين
8. You know how resolve can be.
For my heart lies between my ribs,
٨. ووجناء مر قال ينكث بأسها
قوي البؤس تدري العزم كيف يكون
9. Therein trust and, for me, debts to fate.
My reproachful eyes - rather from determination
٩. فإن فؤادي بين جنبي حشوه
أمان ولي عند الزمان ديون
10. Are riches; and the reproach of singers is an art.
Indeed, one who claims glory, O Malik's garment,
١٠. وسائلة عتبي أعني من النوى
غنى وعتاب الغانيات فنون
11. Assumes command though its entirety and detail.
So do not reproach me, and know that height
١١. أجل من تقاضى المجد يا لبسة مالك
تولى شمال شمله ويمين
12. Is captive, bound to the cheeks of steeds.
Those are noble horses, or vessels of tyranny,
١٢. فلا تعتبيني واعلمي انما العلا
أسير على وخد القلاص رهين
13. The clan concealed at times and at others seen,
Passing back and fro until as if
١٣. تلك المطايا البزل أم سفن طغى
بها الآل تخفى تارة وتبين
14. Their nakedness by sharp cries madness makes known.
When the lightning of chieftains is glimpsed, scarcely
١٤. تمور لرجع الحدو حتى كأنما
عراها بأصوات الحداة جنون
15. Do their aspects, grieved within, grow strong.
They glance back toward Damascus as though
١٥. إذا لمحت برق العواصم لم تكد
مناسمها تقوى بهن حزون
16. For them in twain a child they have left behind.
When the vacant one sees them, he says they have hung
١٦. تلفت تلقاء الشآم كأنما
تخلى لها بالرقمتين جنين
17. Their scissors on the twin hills, dexterously.
We have reached elation through travel until
١٧. إذا أبصر الخالي بها قال علقت
مشافرها بالغوطتين يمين
18. Their cheeks complained to us of both burden and ether.
So we blamed them, refractory ships, each sail
١٨. وصلنا السرى بالسير حتى شكا لنا
من الوخد أخفاف لها ومتون
19. Held from annihilation, an impregnable fortress.
Cables that rise high - if you saw them
١٩. فلذنا بها أوداج كل مطوق
من السحب ممنوع الفناء حصين
20. You'd say between the stars there were debts upon them.
Their braided manes have turned white, yet after
٢٠. حبال تمطت العلا لو رأيتها
لقلت لها بين النجوم ديون
21. Losing their youth, no eyes have pitied them.
Oh Lord, a night in which our guide went astray,
٢١. شابت أواصبها الثلوج فما رقت
لها بعد فقدان الشباب عيون
22. So guide him with the brow of the unsheathed blade.
A lad after seeing whose face no straying remains,
٢٢. ويا رب ليل ضل فيه دليلنا
فأهداه من نجل الحسام جبين
23. And from his liberality no lightning bolt departs.
He reached the height where the star of heaven with its wing,
٢٣. فتى لا ضلال بعد رؤية وجهه
ولا بارق الأفضال منه يمين
24. And presented, beyond the farthest points, inviolate.
A delicate creation whose manners the morning breeze envied,
٢٤. علاه رقى نسر السما بجناحه
وعرض بعيد الغايتين مصون
25. Then became sickly, afflicted with moaning.
In him is might before which judgement bows down,
٢٥. ورقة خلق راح يحسدها الصبا
فأضحى عليلا يعتريه أنين
26. And a knowledge - if people were to act on even some of it,
While they are ignorance, barely to be seen -
٢٦. وبذل تذوب السحب منه خجالة
وبأس به يسطو القضا ويدين
27. Some people have erected the pinnacle of glory and dew,
Lions whose place is the cave of the meadow.
٢٧. وعلم لو ان الناس قامت ببعضه
وهي الجهل حتى لا يكاد يبين
28. Congratulations O sword of the faith, best of the glorious,
By whom the honorable acts built their forts.
٢٨. من القوم شادوا ذروة المجد والندى
ليوث لهم قضب اليراع عرين
29. With the arrival of my master, hearts aright were guided
And by his advent, eyes of the generous were delighted.
٢٩. هنيئاً حسام الدين يا خير ماجد
به شيدت المكرمات حصون
30. He alighted in Rome-land, most generous arrival,
Good fortune and success being his companion.
٣٠. بمقدم مولى قد هدت بقدومه
قلوب وقرت للكرام عيون
31. News of him came to the West before him,
Encircling the necks of the lofty and adorning.
٣١. أناخ بأرض الروم أكرم قادم
له السعد خدن والفلاح قرين
32. Lo, thus is he whose striving is for God -
His days obey him and soften.
٣٢. وقد وفدت أخباره الغر قبله
تطوق أعناق العلى وتزين
33. O House of Osman, congratulate yourselves on a glorious one
Who protects your honor and makes it secure.
٣٣. ألا هكذا في اللَه من يك سعيه
تدين له أيامه وتلين
34. You have silenced the enemy’s spite through him, indeed
Time, apart from you, because of him, is resentful.
٣٤. فيا آل عثمان تهنوا بماجد
يذب لكم عن عرضكم ويصون
35. O you who seek, come, let me guide you
To him, for in this discourse, I am honest.
٣٥. رغمتم به أنف العدو وإنما
الزمان به عن غيركم لضنين
36. Lay your hand on the wing of a starry West
And your feet in the wind, for it is sturdy.
٣٦. أطلاب مسعاة هلموا أدلكم
عليه فإني في المقال أمين
37. And roam the open country; when you take flight through it
To him, you will hit your mark there.
٣٧. ضعوا يدكم في جنح عنقاء مغرب
وأرجلكم في الريح فهو متين
38. I contend with my hyena, though my strength is feeble
And I a fearful believer while time is deceptive.
٣٨. وهام السها فارقوا إذا حلقت بكم
إليه فما رمتم هناك يكون
39. But were it not for you, the ships' cables would not
Have set out for Rome - recalcitrant she-camels.
٣٩. أجاذب ضبعي إذ قواي ضئيلة
ومؤمن روعي والزمان خؤون
40. Nor would I know how glory is attained,
Nor how the difficult becomes easy.
٤٠. أما إنه لولاك ما فتقت بنا
إلى الروم رتق الراسيات ظعون
41. You unloaded the burden of my state from me when
Over me a cloud of aid from you wheeled.
٤١. ولا كنت أدري كيف يكتسب العلى
ولا كيف صعب الحادثات يهون
42. And I know your merit guarantees
For the seekers of perfection a refuge secure.
٤٢. أقلت عثار الحال مني إذ هما
علي سحاب من نداك هتون
43. After God, I have none but you facilitating
My attainment of purpose, assisting me.
٤٣. وإني لأدري أن فضلك كافل
لبانات طلاب الكمال ضمين
44. At your door I have rested my aspirations’ mounts,
And for me there is no tranquility but in it.
٤٤. وما لي بعد اللَه غيرك مسعد
من الناس في نيل المراد معين
45. Far be it from you to drive me away with refusing
While your gift is pure, no spring muddied.
٤٥. وفي بابكم حطت رحال مطامعي
وما تم لي إلا إليه سكون
46. And you best know what need I have in my heart,
And for me, this makes all manifest and clarifies.
٤٦. وحاشاك أن ينتاشني برح غلة
ووردك صاف لا يغيض معين
٤٧. وأنك أدرى من فؤادي بحاجتي
وحسبي بهذا كاشف ومبين