
When a man succeeds in his guesses,

إذا المرء وفق في حدسه

1. When a man succeeds in his guesses,
He rises, unties the knot of his troubles,

١. إذا المرء وفق في حدسه
أفاق وحل عرى لبسه

2. And returns to purify his sins,
And trots away from his vileness.

٢. وثاب لتطهير أوضاره
ورجض الذي كان من رجسه

3. And realizes that the goods of life
Are but engravings that must be erased,

٣. وأيقن أن متاع الحيا
ة نقش فلا بد من طمسه

4. And that man owns nothing of his wealth
Except what he hopes to take to his grave.

٤. وان ليس للمرء من ماله
سوي ما يُرجى إلى رمسه

5. He who is stingy with money for fear of misfortunes
Only brings misfortunes upon himself.

٥. ومن ضن بالمال خوف الخطوب
أعان الخطوب على نفسه

6. And happiest is he whose day
Is closer to goodness than yesterday's.

٦. وان السعيد الذي يومه
إلى الخير أقرب من أمسه

7. And he of insight, if he gained praise,
Would not care if time muted his bells.

٧. وذو اللب من نال حسن الثنا
إذا الدهر أخفى صدا جرسه

8. And he whom hands of prayer raised up,
Time would bow his head down for him.

٨. ومن رفعت فيه أيدي الدعا
إذا الدهر طأطأ من رأسه

9. So he prospers if he was in misery,
And is fortunate if he was unlucky.

٩. فانعم ما كان في بؤسه
واسعد ما كان في نحسه

10. And the measure of a young man's intellect is his work,
By it, foolishness appears from his bag.

١٠. ومعيار عقل الفتى صنعه
به يظهر الحمق من كيسه

11. May it go well for the harvester if
The sickle struck true in his threshing.

١١. ليهن المحصل شعبان ما
أصاب المحزة في هجسه

12. Hammam is rain in his generosity,
Yet a lion in his valor.

١٢. همام هو الغيث في بذله
على أنه الليث في بأسه

13. I saw the home of transience transient,
And all sip from their cups.

١٣. رأي أن ذي الدار دار الفنا
وكلا سيكرع من كأسه

14. And was certain of reward with certainty of one
Who sees it and hopes to touch it.

١٤. وأيقن بالأجر أيقان من
يراه ويطمع في لمسه

15. So he strived and gained from his time
Deeds that make his name last.

١٥. فجد وحصل من دهره
مآثر تبقي على أسه

16. He built a school whose light distinguishes
The day, lending the sun its rays.

١٦. بني مكتبا نور فرقانه
يعير النهار ضيا شمسه

17. And a college to kindle the taking of knowledge,
Where reason is protected from misery.

١٧. ومدرسة لاقتباس العلوم
يصان بها العقل من تعسه

18. And a mosque whose illumination
Nearly shows the dark dawn its sun.

١٨. وجامع أنس باشراقه
يكاد يجلى دجا دمسه

19. And another bows into his lessons.
And yet another stands for prayers,

١٩. فهذا يرتل فرقاته
وهذا مكب على درسه

20. Seeking success in his fifth.
O what a mosque, bringing together

٢٠. وآخر منتصب للصلا
ة يلتمس الفوز في خمسه

21. Faces shining with blessing!
A refuge for the pious, its seasons

٢١. فيا لك من جامع جامع
وجوه المبرات في أسه

22. Are the ritual worship of its kind.
Its trade never fails, it makes

٢٢. ومنتجع للتقي نوعت
فصول العبادة من جنسه

23. Selling excel over its meanness.
So may its builder prosper, who planted

٢٣. وسوق تجارته لن تبور
يجل به البيع عن بخسه

24. The crop of success from his sowing.
He will look upon the effects of what

٢٤. فلله بانيه من غارس
جنى ثمر الفوز من غرسه

25. His hands advanced in his composition.
May God grant him righteousness

٢٥. سينظر آثار ما قدمت
يداه وسطر في طرسه

26. And ward misfortunes from him.
And reward him after the age of eagles

٢٦. فوفقه اللَه للصالحات
ورد النوائب عن نفسه

27. With nearness of the sanctuaries.

٢٧. وعوضه بعدُ عمر النسور
بقرب الحظائر من قدسه