1. This is the garden, and here
Are strips of blue sky that recede,
١. هذي الرياضُ وهذه
زُرْقُ المذانبِ تَطَّرِدْ
2. And birds flitting through crevices
In the branches perch solo.
٢. والطيرُ في خَلَل الغصو
ن على المنابر تَغْتَرِدْ
3. The roses reign over beds
Of flowers standing alone.
٣. والورد مَلْكٌ في نوا
وير الحدائق مُنْفَرِدْ
4. The wind has filled the pot
With clinking coat of mail.
٤. والريحُ قد ملأ الغدي
رَ مُلاء درع قد سُرِدْ
5. A steed frees the fetters
Of its love, starting over again.
٥. وجَواد نَرْدِ حُبَابِه
عَوْداً على بَدءٍ طُرِدْ
6. Anxiety is dispelled here,
Companionship flows free.
٦. والهم مطرود بها
والأنس دانٍ مُطَّرِدْ
7. So enjoy its freshness, for he
Who counts on freshness will lose it.
٧. فاغنم غضارتَه فمن
يعد الغضارة يَنْجَرِدْ