
Our beauty's misfortune with the auspicious newcomer

صيبت خمائلنا بأيمن وافد

1. Our beauty's misfortune with the auspicious newcomer
A rain that inclines to the meadows with benefits

١. صِيْبَت خَمائلنا بأيمن وافدٍ
غيثٌ يمتُّ إلى الربى بفوائِد

2. And the lush fertile land has become accustomed to it, so its
Trees blossomed with dews and quilts

٢. واعتادها الخِصب المريع فأوشعث
شجراؤها بلآليءٍ وفراقد

3. And its inkwells blossomed with flowers
That glisten like the praiseworthy doves' gatherings

٣. وتَنَمْنَمتْ حَبِراتُها بأزاهرٍ
تندى كأثنية الهمامِ الماجد

4. My Lord Abd Allah, whom Damascus
Has always testified to with abundant virtue

٤. مَوْلايَ عبد الله مَنْ شَهِدت له
أَبداً دمشقُ بكل فضل زائِد

5. His nature overflows with generosity
Its effects are good and its spectacles beautiful

٥. شهم تدفق طبعُه بمكارِمٍ
طابت مآثرها وحسن مشاهد

6. And he demonstrates knowledge whose springs pour over
And skill combined with understanding intents

٦. وأبان عن علمٍ يعبّ عبابُه
وبراعةٍ قُرنتْ بفهم مقاصد

7. And manners like the singing meadow
Struck by the falling rain of the thundering clouds

٧. وخلائق كالروضة الغناء قد
صيبت بتوْ كاف الغمام الراعد

8. My Lord Jilq, its droughts have shone
With necklaces that have blossomed around you and knots

٨. مولاي جِلَّقُ أشرقت لبّاتًها
بقلائِد بك أزهرت ومعاقد

9. And its birds sing joyously
As if they had heard the praise of the praiser

٩. وترنمت أطيارها مُهتاجةً
فكأنما سمعت بحمْد الحامد

10. Thanks for the good you have done
And the beautiful effects and abundant benefits

١٠. شكراً لمِا أوليتَ حسنَ مآثر
وجميل آثار وجمّ عوائِد

11. And praise comes to you fluently
Early, gliding from the daughters of my poems

١١. وإِليك وافدة الثناء عَرُوبةً
بكراً تهادى من بنات قصائدي

12. Look, as the Nayrouz smiles with its mouth
At the twin daughter of spring and single

١٢. وافتك والنيروز يبسم ثغره
بتوآم بِنْتٍ للربيع وفارد

13. So it waved with auras
And was adorned with flowers and knots

١٣. فتفعت من نَوْره بوشائع
وتقرطت من زهره بفرائد

14. She came congratulating the blossoming season
Its feast returns with joy

١٤. جاءت مهنئة بفصْل زاهر
يندي وعيدٍ بالمسرّة عائِد

15. My Lord, please excuse, it is the forgiveness of
A talent that picked a branch from your praise as a table

١٥. مولاي عذراً فهي عفو قريحةٍ
هصَرت بغصنٍ من ثنائك مائِد

16. Shyly inclining to loyalty with its excuse
Like a young gazelle prancing between attachments

١٦. خجلاً تمتّ إِلى الولاء بعذرها
كخريدة تختال بين ولائد

17. And may you be safe and secure in happiness and wellness
In the shade of propitious fortune

١٧. واسلم ودم في غِبطةٍ وسلامةٍ
في ظل سعْدٍ للزمان مساعدِ